Of Favorites
Dazled with the height of place
While our wittes our hopes beguile
Few doe marke the narrowe space
T'wixt a Prisonn and a smile
Then since Fortunes Children fade
Yea who in her armes doe sleepe
Learne to swimm and not to wade
for the harts of kinges are deepe
But if greatnesse bee so blinde
As to trust to towers of ayre
Let it bee with goodnesse lin'de
That at last, the fall be fayre
So thoug[h] darkned wee may say
While frends sinke, and princes frowne
Vertue is the hardest way
Yett at night a bedd of downe
All thinges fall that stand by art
Nought remaynes from fume of sway
One man acted ill his part
Lett an other mend the play.
While our wittes our hopes beguile
Few doe marke the narrowe space
T'wixt a Prisonn and a smile
Then since Fortunes Children fade
Yea who in her armes doe sleepe
Learne to swimm and not to wade
for the harts of kinges are deepe
But if greatnesse bee so blinde
As to trust to towers of ayre
Let it bee with goodnesse lin'de
That at last, the fall be fayre
So thoug[h] darkned wee may say
While frends sinke, and princes frowne
Vertue is the hardest way
Yett at night a bedd of downe
All thinges fall that stand by art
Nought remaynes from fume of sway
One man acted ill his part
Lett an other mend the play.
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