Feast of St. Benedict


Through the long nave and full-resounding aisles
Let pealing anthems rise;
This day, that saw immortal Benedict
Ascend the skies!

A flowery path, affection, home, were his;
But vainly earth allured;
Deep in a lonesome cave his tender bloom
The Saint immured.

There, amid prickly thorns, he curb'd the rage
Of sin-incentive youth;
There drew his sacred rule from the pure fount
Of life and truth.

There still upon the height the Baptist's shrine,
Memorial of his love,
Tells how he smote the Pagan god, and strew'd
The Paphian grove.

Now from the heavenly dome, seated serene
Amid seraphic choirs,
He sees us all, and with celestial draughts
Each heart inspires.

Glory eternal to the Father be,
And sole-begotten Son;
With Thee, great Paraclete, eternal Three!
And trinal One!
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