The Fiery Disciples

The fiery Disciples

Now when the time was near compleat
When Christ must re-assume his seat,
He set his face with stedfast view
The way tow'rds Salem to pursue,
And messengers before him sent,
Who to a certain village went,
By the Samaritans possess'd,
And there provision would have dress'd,
But they deny'd the Prince of Grace,
Because towards that hated place,
Jerusalem, his course he steer'd;
Which James and John no sooner heard,
But to Christ Jesus they apply,
‘Lord, shall we summon from the sky
‘Upon their heads consuming fire,
‘As did Elias in his ire?’
But Jesus turn'd, and in offence
Rebuk'd them for their vehemence,
And said, ‘Ye know not, in your zeal,
‘What spirit wakes the wrath ye feel;
‘For Christ his mission's not design'd
‘To sacrifice, but save mankind.’
?All bold opposers to consume
In the true stile of modern Rome,
These zealots were for fire and sword,
To make Christ's holy name ador'd
But he against such zeal PROTESTS,
His peaceful sway no wrath infests;
But all his reign, and all his race,
Are truth and mercy, love and grace.
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