Fifth Elegy of the First Book of Tibullus To Delia

In a Hot Fit I boasted I could bear
A Woman's Anger, and despise the Fair:
But Coward I, am all unmann'd again;
A sudden Frenzy works my madding Brain.
Raging, I move, like whirling Tops, around,
Which sportive Boys keep giddy on the Ground.

 Punish my Pride, and teach me, by my Pain,
To use my Mistress in an humbler Strain.
Yet spare me; by our Joys I beg for Grace,
By Venus , by Thy own more lovely Face!

 For I, when wasting Sickness seiz'd my Fair,
Sav'd the Dear Suff'rer by my happy Pray'r;
Then, when the Beldam , with extended Arms,
Stretch'd on the Ground, and mutter'd o'er her Charms,
I purify'd Thee round with Sulph'rous Streams,
I burnt the Barley Cake to guard Thy Dreams.
Nine Times, all loosely drest, with Vows Divine
At Midnight I address'd Diana 's Shrine.
All Things I did, that could my Passion prove,
And yet,—Another now enjoys my Love.
His is the Harvest of my constant Cares,
And His the Fruit of my successful Pray'rs:

 But I, poor Wretch, if Thou wert well again,
Flatter'd my self with Golden Dreams, in vain.—
I fancy'd how I would from Town retreat,
And carry Delia to my Country-Seat.
She will, I cry'd, o'erlook my Harvest Store,
While the full Ears are grinding on the Floor.
She, while the Workmen at the Vintage toil,
Will guard the Casks, and on the Pressers smile.
Or learn to count my Flock upon the Plain,
Or grow familiar with my Houshold Train:
Hear my Slaves prattle, let the playful Boy
Lean on her Breast, and with his Mistress toy:
Or condescend to learn, at leisure Hours,
To bring fit Off'rings to the Rural Pow'rs;
Grapes at the Vintage, Corn at Harvest bear,
And give a Victim for the woolly Care.
May She rule all my House, I careless roam,
Happy in being No Body at Home!
Hither shalt thou, Messala , come; for Thee
Delia shall cull the Fairest, Choicest Tree:
She, with Officious Pride, shall still attend,
And spread the Table for my noble Friend;
And, in Regard of his exalted State,
Herself turn Servant, and in Person wait.
Such was the Scheme of Pleasure I design'd,
But, ah! my Pray'rs are scatter'd by the Wind.

 Since This, I try'd to drink away my Cares;
But cruel Grief turn'd ev'ry Draught to Tears.
As often have I try'd Another's Kiss;
But, in the Moment of approaching Bliss,
Venus reminded Me of Delia 's Charms,
And left me languid in the Fair One's Arms.
The disappointed Dame my Weakness tells,
Then says, that I am curs'd by Magick Spells.
And curs'd I am; my Curses are the Charms
Of Delia 's Hair, and Neck, and waken Arms.
Such was fair Thetis , when the Sea-green Dame
To Peleus on a bridled Dolphin came.

 But my Misfortune is, a Wealthy Fool,
And a damn'd Bawd, have made me Delia 's Tool.
For the damn'd Bawd, may Poison taint her Blood,
May rotten Carcasses be all her Food!
May Screech-Owls fright her with their Midnight Cries,
And wailing Spectres skim before her Eyes!
May She the bitter Pangs of Hunger feel,
Rob Dog-Kennels, and Graves, to make a Meal!
May She howl Mad, and Naked thro' the Town,
And rav'nous Blood-Hounds hunt the Beldam down!

 This to the Bawd . Ye Gods, regard my Pray'r,
And, lo! they do: For Lovers are their Care.
Neglected Truth a sure Resentment draws,
And Venus will revenge the faithful Cause.

 But Thou, my Fair, the Bawd 's Advice remove,
For Gold and Presents are the Bane of Love.
The Poor will ever on thy Side attend,
The truest Lover, and sincerest Friend;
He'll be your Guard, conduct you safe along,
Free from the Rudeness of the pressing Throng.
He, to conceal your Pleasures, will descend,
Nay, help Undress you for a private Friend.
Alas! I sing in vain; in vain I wait;
Money, not Words, must move the stubborn Gate.

 But Thou, now happy in my Delia 's Smiles,
I warn Thee, fence against thy Rival's Wiles:
Fortune is light, and often changes Hands;
Ev'n Now , with some Design, that Fellow stands,
Who watches at her Gate with careful Eyes,
And now before, and now behind Him spies;
Passes the House with a pretended Haste,
And in a little Time returns as fast,
And hems, before the Door, at ev'ry Cast.
Inventive Love designs some artful Plot,
Some Stratagem of War, I know not What.
But you improve your Minutes while you may,
Yet know, you Anchor in a doubtful Bay .
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