To the First of August
Britannia's isles proclaim,
That freedom is their theme;
And we do view those honor'd lands,
With soul-delighting mien.
And unto those they held in gloom,
Gave ev'ry one their right;
They did disdain fell slavery's shade,
And trust in freedom's light.
Then unto ev'ry British blood,
Their noble worth revere,
And think them ever noble men,
And like them, hence appear.
And when on Britain's isles remote,
We're then in freedom's bounds,
And while we stand on British ground,
You're free, — you're free, — resounds.
Lift ye that country's banner high,
And may it nobly wave,
Until beneath the azure sky,
Man shall be no more a slave.
And oh! when youth's extatic hour,
When winds and torrents foam,
And passion's glowing noon are past,
To bless that free born home;
Then let us celebrate the day,
And lay the thought to heart,
And teach the rising race the way,
That they may not depart.
That freedom is their theme;
And we do view those honor'd lands,
With soul-delighting mien.
And unto those they held in gloom,
Gave ev'ry one their right;
They did disdain fell slavery's shade,
And trust in freedom's light.
Then unto ev'ry British blood,
Their noble worth revere,
And think them ever noble men,
And like them, hence appear.
And when on Britain's isles remote,
We're then in freedom's bounds,
And while we stand on British ground,
You're free, — you're free, — resounds.
Lift ye that country's banner high,
And may it nobly wave,
Until beneath the azure sky,
Man shall be no more a slave.
And oh! when youth's extatic hour,
When winds and torrents foam,
And passion's glowing noon are past,
To bless that free born home;
Then let us celebrate the day,
And lay the thought to heart,
And teach the rising race the way,
That they may not depart.
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