The First Step

Last night she hurried out to say:
“The baby took a step to-day!”
A step alone! Those little feet
Walked out two waiting hands to greet;

Walked boldly out, and left the chair
Which little hands had clung to there,
A very glorious hint to make
Of many steps she soon will take.

At eve they hurried out to say
“The baby took a step to-day!”
What mattered letters, friendly calls,
And all the care which daily falls,
The news by 'phone, the gossip heard?
One thing important had occurred,
One big deed swept all else away:
The baby took a step to-day!

The baby took a step. Ah, me!
The first of millions that will be!
Those little feet will walk and climb
And run along the road of Time;
They've started out, and where they'll go
'Tis not permitted us to know.
Out of her arms she turns away—
The baby took a step to-day!

Dear Lord, now hear me as I pray.
Our baby took a step to-day!
Grant that her little-feet shall find
No cruel pathways or unkind.
Be Thou her guide through life, that she
May walk in safe security.
Let love and beauty light her way—
Our baby took a step to-day!
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