The Flower Circus

The flowers in the dell
Once gave a circus show;
And as I know them well,
They asked if I would go
As their especial guest.
" Quite charmed! " said I, and so
Put on my very best
Frock-coat and shiny hat,

And my embroidered vest
And wonderful cravat;
In fact, no end of style,
For it is, as you know,
But once in a great while
The flowers give a show.

They gave me a front seat,
The very nicest there —
A bank of violets sweet
And moss and maidenhair.
'Twas going to be a treat —
I felt it in the air.

As martial music crashed
From a trained trumpet-vine,
Into the ring there dashed
A beauteous columbine!
With airy grace she strode
Her wild horse-chestnut steed.

I held my breath, she rode
With such terrific speed.
They brought a cobweb ring,
And lightly she jumped through it.
(A very dangerous thing;
How did she learn to do it?)

I cried, " Brava! Encore! "
Until she'd jumped through nine,
Each higher than before
(I tell you, it was fine!)

Then Jack-in-pulpit — who
From out his lofty place
Announced what each would do —
Cried, " Next there comes a race. "

Two Scarlet Runners flew
Three times the ring around,
And with a crown of dew
The winner's head was crowned.

A booby race, for fun,
Came next (the prize was cheaper).
Trailing Arbutus won
Over Virginia Creeper.

Then came the world-famed six,
The Johnny-jump-up Brothers,
Who did amazing tricks,
Each funnier than the others.

A Spider, in mid-air
(Engaged at great expense),
On tight-thread gossamer
Danced with a skill immense!

A dashing young Green Blade,
Who quickly followed suit,
An exhibition made
Of how young blades can shoot.

There were Harebell ringers, too,
Who played delightful tunes,
And trained Dog-violets, who
Did antics, like buffoons.

All these and more were there —
Too many for narration;
But nothing could compare
With the last " Great Sensation. "

I never shall forget,
Though I should live an age,
The sight of Mignonette
Within the Lion's cage.

Sweet smiling Mignonette
Not one bit scared — for why on
Earth should she fear her pet,
Her dear, tame Dandelion?

The flowers in the dell
Once gave a circus show;
And as I know them well,
They asked if I would go
As their especial guest.
" Quite charmed! " said I, and so
Put on my very best
Frock-coat and shiny hat,

And my embroidered vest
And wonderful cravat;
In fact, no end of style,
For it is, as you know,
But once in a great while
The flowers give a show.

They gave me a front seat,
The very nicest there —
A bank of violets sweet
And moss and maidenhair.
'T was going to be a treat —
I felt it in the air.

As martial music crashed
From a trained trumpet-vine,
Into the ring there dashed
A beauteous columbine!
With airy grace she strode
Her wild horse-chestnut steed.

I held my breath, she rode
With such terrific speed
They brought a cobweb ring,
And lightly she jumped through it.
(A very dangerous thing;
How did she learn to do it?)

I cried, " Brava! Encore! "
Until she'd jumped through nine,
Each higher than before.
(I tell you, it was fine!)

Then Jack-in-pulpit — who
From out his lofty place
Announced what each would do —
Cried, " Next there comes a race. "

Two Scarlet Runners flew
Three times the ring around,
And with a crown of dew
The winner's head was crowned.

A booby race, for fun,
Came next (the prize was cheaper)
Trailing Arbutus won
Over Virginia Creeper.

Then came the world-famed six,
The Johnny-jump-up Brothers,
Who did amazing tricks,
Each funnier than the others.

A Spider, in mid-air
(Engaged at great expense),
On tight-thread gossamer
Danced with a skill immense!

A dashing young Green Blade
Who quickly followed suit,
An exhibition made
Of how young blades can shoot.

There were Harebell ringers, too,
Who played delightful tunes,
And trained Dog-violets, who
Did antics, like buffoons.
All these and more were there —
Too many for narration;
But nothing could compare
With the last " Great Sensation. "

I never shall forget,
Though I should live an age,
The sight of Mignonette
Within the Lion's cage.
Sweet smiling Mignonette!
Not one bit scared — for why on
Earth should she fear her pet,
Her dear, tame Dandelion?
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