The Flowers

They 're coming! they 're coming!
'T is writ on the air,
In incense and harmony
Breathed everywhere!
Winds murmur no longer
Their woe to the pines —
But spiders are spinning
Their gossamer lines.
Blue-birds are darting
The branches among,
Wild with a pleasure
Only half sung.
Willows are greening
Down by the brook;
Insects are stirring
In forest and nook;

Sunlight is bringing
Buttercups sweet —
Hear the grass whisper
Under our feet!
Telling of daisies,
Telling of clover,
Telling of beauty
All the world over.

They 're coming! They 're coming!
The beautiful throng,
To soothe us and cheer us
The whole summer long.
By brook, and in meadow,
Woodland and glade,
Through moonlight and star-light
Sunshine and shade,
They 're creeping, they 're springing,
They 're climbing the hill,
They 're twining and clinging —
Though underground still;
The blue-birds have called them, —
The roses and all;
They have heard, and already
They answer the call!

O Snow-white and Purple,
Pink, Yellow and Blue!
Lie close to their hearts
Till the day they come through
O Spirit of Beauty!
Spirit of Grace!
Still bide ye above them
Watching the place.
Fragrance and loveliness
Still hover near,
Soon shall your hosts
In their glory appear.
Surely the Spring-time
Is crowning its hours —
They 're coming! They 're coming —
The beautiful flowers!
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