Flowers On The Bank


Flowers on the bank, — we pass and call them gay:
The primroses throw pictures to the mind,
The buttercups lag dazzlingly behind,
And daisy-friends we spy but do not say
A word of joy; — thoughts of them follow not,
And soon are they forgot.


What care we for wildflowers except their name?
Bright maidens at the sight in rapture start,
Which, as our smiles say, comes not from the heart:
Flowers dance not, sing not, all their ways are tame;
They love not, neither love in us inspire;
Nor blush when we admire.


Yet stay, the fingers of that panting child
Have culled for us the choice ones, — many a gem, —
Have set their lovely colours stem to stem
In her fond hands they are not tame or wild,
Nestled in fringy fern so changed appears
The little gift she bears!


She gives herself, and she can dance and sing,
And she can love inspire and blush at praise;
The flowers are part of her, have-caught her ways;
She gives herself who gives so sweet a thing.
And she is gone, with other thoughts than ours
Gathering fresh love and flowers.
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