The Fourth Epistle to Cousin F. R. in Answer to one Received

Thine I have now receiv'd, which manifests
Thou hast had some regard to my Requests;
And by these good Effects, dost testify,
Thou'rt not so much inclin'd to Vanity,
To Childish Sports, and Time-beguiling Play,
As thou hast been therein, and spent thy Day:
Endeared Friend , may'st thou be yet more Wise,
And let thy Mind find better Exercise;
That thou may'st learn, with diligence, to wait
To feel the Springing-Life Regenerate
Thy Soul; whereby thou'lt know no greater tryal
Can meet us here, than daily Self-denial:
Suffer we must, if we expect to Reign
With Christ, (or else our Expectation's vain)
In Sorrows, as in Joys, participate.
Alas! He never came to Consecrate
A Way for us to true Felicity,
Thro' curious Trims, and Silks of Princely Dy:
This Path is not bestrew'd with Golden Crowns,
Rich Coats of Arms, and Scepters of Renown;
Nor yet with Oriental Gems, that be
Such dazling Sparks unto the Carnal Eye:
No, no; 'tis through the Cross we must obtain
The Crown of Glory; other hopes are vain.
This Men of Understanding knew of old,
And prudently disdain'd that Idol Gold:
Wise Solon told King Craesus (when he sate
In Gaudy Pomp upon his Throne of State)
Doting upon his Wealth, in lofty Pride,
Expecting almost to be Deify'd)
That Peacocks with their spreading Plumes express
A greater Lustre in their Nat'ral Dress,
Than He in all his Glory; which, tho' he
Disdain'd to own, whilst in Prosperity,
Except with Frowns, nor car'd to meditate
So deep a Sentence: Sudden change of State
Thereto constrain'd, and taught him to confess,
'Tis neither Wealth nor Honour, that can bless
Man's Heart with true Content; but rather do
Betray, and bring to Misery and Wo.
Therefore delight not in these fading things,
Which suddenly may vanish as on Wings:
But let true Wisdom teach thee, (no Excuse
Avails to plead for precious Time's abuse)
That with an humble Spirit thou array
Thy self: This is a Robe will ne'er decay;
No outward Ornament can beautify,
As Lamb-like Meekness, inward Purity.
Now, tho' for what thou sensible dost seem
In thy Condition, thou of true esteem
Art no less worthy, Love doth here constrain,
With Heart and Pen, to be thus bold and plain;
And that because they Soliloquies do
Express, what Truth obligeth thee unto,
The deep Engagements of thy Soul: O then!
Take heed, lest that alone with Tongue or Pen
Thou honour him, and Heart be far remov'd;
Or thou be found Perfidious, being prov'd:
'Tis not because I evidenty see
The Symptoms of such Consequence in thee;
But, ah, the Stratagems and Subtilty
Of the Deceiver, our grand Enemy,
Are but too prevalent with some, except
True Watch and Ward within be always kept:
That thus my Exercised Heart indites
Unto thee; and my Hand, thus guided, writes,
With true Dependance on that Arm of Power,
Which is to Isr'el 's Seed a Refuge-Tower.
And therefore, since thou hast in measure known
Engagement from above, thou'rt not thine own,
But purchas'd with a Price to serve the Lord,
The Price of Blood; therefore obey his Word:
Then shall he teach, instruct, and strengthen thee,
To follow him in true Sincerity;
And thou shalt daily know the bless'd increase
Of sacred Solace from the Prince of Peace:
And as thou hunger'st, daily may be fed
With finest of the Wheat, and Heav'nly Bread;
Yea, honey from the Rock, and drink new Wine,
Distilling from the true and living Vine;
And in its sweet Refreshing Shade sit down
In Rest and Peace, ascribing all Renown,
Honour, and Glory, unto Judah 's Lion,
The meek, the spotless, holy Lamb of Sion .
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