The Fox and Goat
A Fable
Old Reynard , once, with Thirst opprest,
Feasted a Goat , which nigh did dwell,
It wanting Liquids for his Guest,
He led him to a Neighbouring Well .
Manners being past, they Bumpers drink,
Health to Themselves and Friends, go round;
'Till, sated, they began to think
Amidst their Cups, they may be drown'd.
Sir Crafty , put to his Wit's End;
Bids Grey-beard stand, erected, up,
Promising to help his Friend,
Whose Horns wou'd favour his Escape.
But, when, secure, He reach'd the Brink,
His Neighbour perishing beneath;
Th'ungrateful Whelp cry'd, Die, or Drink,
'Tis all alike to Reynard , Faith!
Thus I, who, long, have propp'd the Great ,
Am dropp'd, where I have been most kind;
Mine is, exactly, Grey-beard 's Fate,
They're up, and I am left behind.
And yet, to screen these Men, in Power ,
I wrote The Conduct of Th' Allies ;
And what can mortal Man do more,
Than stretch his Wit , to vent his Lies ?
Nay! I did swear I was for Brunswick ,
With Conscience scrupulous and tender;
But Wrote and Rode , 'till I was Bum-sick,
In hopes to forward the Pretender .
I wrong'd, moreo'er, the Nation Scotch :
In Rhime and Prose was very smart on
The Injur'd Catalan and Dutch ,
Brave Marlbro ', and my Friend Tom Wharton .
Remember then, my Dear Dick Steele ,
Who hazarded your very Throat;
Who never turn'd'st with Fortune 's Wheel;
Remember well, The Fox and Goat .
Old Reynard , once, with Thirst opprest,
Feasted a Goat , which nigh did dwell,
It wanting Liquids for his Guest,
He led him to a Neighbouring Well .
Manners being past, they Bumpers drink,
Health to Themselves and Friends, go round;
'Till, sated, they began to think
Amidst their Cups, they may be drown'd.
Sir Crafty , put to his Wit's End;
Bids Grey-beard stand, erected, up,
Promising to help his Friend,
Whose Horns wou'd favour his Escape.
But, when, secure, He reach'd the Brink,
His Neighbour perishing beneath;
Th'ungrateful Whelp cry'd, Die, or Drink,
'Tis all alike to Reynard , Faith!
Thus I, who, long, have propp'd the Great ,
Am dropp'd, where I have been most kind;
Mine is, exactly, Grey-beard 's Fate,
They're up, and I am left behind.
And yet, to screen these Men, in Power ,
I wrote The Conduct of Th' Allies ;
And what can mortal Man do more,
Than stretch his Wit , to vent his Lies ?
Nay! I did swear I was for Brunswick ,
With Conscience scrupulous and tender;
But Wrote and Rode , 'till I was Bum-sick,
In hopes to forward the Pretender .
I wrong'd, moreo'er, the Nation Scotch :
In Rhime and Prose was very smart on
The Injur'd Catalan and Dutch ,
Brave Marlbro ', and my Friend Tom Wharton .
Remember then, my Dear Dick Steele ,
Who hazarded your very Throat;
Who never turn'd'st with Fortune 's Wheel;
Remember well, The Fox and Goat .
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