The Freemason's Home

Where hearts are warm with kindred fire,
And love beams free from answering eyes,
Bright spirits hover always there,
And that's the home the Masons prize.
The Mason's Home, the peaceful home,
The home of love and light and joy;
How gladly does the Mason come
To share his tender, sweet employ.

All round the world, by land, by sea,
Where summers burn or winters chill,
The exiled Mason turns to thee,
And yearns to share the joys we feel.
The Mason's Home, the happy home,
The home of light and love and joy;
There's not an hour but I would come
And share this tender, sweet employ!

A weary task, a dreary round,
Is all benighted man may know,
But here a brighter scene is found,
The brightest scene that's found below.
The Mason's Home, the blissful home,
Glad center of unmingled joy
Long as I live I'll gladly come
And share this tender, sweet employ.

And when the hour of death shall come,
And darkness seal my closing eye,
May HANDS FRATERNAL bear me home,
The home where weary Masons lie!
The Mason's Home, the heavenly home,
To faithful hearts eternal joy;
How blest to find beyond the tomb
The end of all our sweet employ!
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