A French Girl to Her Betrothed Blesse aux Yeux
What need hast thou of sight
To read my soul? Why care
To see, when thou can'st hear my heart
And touch my hair?
Just as thou lovest France
Let me love thee,
Is there a higher way
Of loyalty?
'Tis well thou see'st not —
How from the shrines my eyes
Are turned to thee, in worship of
Thy sacrifice?
Just as thou hast served France
May I serve thee —
Enough to stand near one who faced
Our Guardian Angel walks
Beside us day and night,
Till the sweet dawn of Paradise
Give back thy sight;
Just as thou gavest France
Let me restore,
Bear on the torch of France — thy sons —
Could God grant more?
To read my soul? Why care
To see, when thou can'st hear my heart
And touch my hair?
Just as thou lovest France
Let me love thee,
Is there a higher way
Of loyalty?
'Tis well thou see'st not —
How from the shrines my eyes
Are turned to thee, in worship of
Thy sacrifice?
Just as thou hast served France
May I serve thee —
Enough to stand near one who faced
Our Guardian Angel walks
Beside us day and night,
Till the sweet dawn of Paradise
Give back thy sight;
Just as thou gavest France
Let me restore,
Bear on the torch of France — thy sons —
Could God grant more?
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