To a Friend on His Eighty-Second Birthday


I. P.

B EYOND the common span
Allotted unto man
Thy life is lengthened, venerable friend!
I fain would send a thought,
In simple verses wrought,
With the good wishes of the day to blend.

And as thy thoughts to-day
Retrace the lengthened way,
How like a golden thread, to thy mind's sight,
The love of God doth shine,
With its unbroken line
Inwoven through the dark as through the light!

How like a golden clew
All the long pathway through,
The care of him, thy Guardian and Guide!
Its hidden leadings show
In ways thou didst not know,
Whate'er was given, or whate'er denied.

What cause for thankfulness
Thy heart must needs confess
To him, the Giver of our every good!
Blessings of earth and heaven
In such abundance given;
Each added year an added multitude!

The friendship of the good
Who, faithful, by thee stood
In paths where action, toil, and duty led;
The affection true and tried
Which closer at thy side
Hath softened life's rough places to thy tread!

So has thy cup o'erflowed;
And all along the road
His rod and staff thy comfort have supplied
Who closer than a friend
Shall keep thee to the end,
And be thy portion still, whate'er betide.

For he is there alway,
Whate'er may cloud the day;
Whate'er is lost, this ever doth remain,
Until the gates unclose
Through which the pathway goes
There, where the weak grow strong, the dimmed eyes see again!
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