Full fraught with unrecomptles sweete

Fvll fraught with vnrecomptles sweete,
Of your faire face that stole mine eie,
No gladsome day my lookes did greete,
Wherein I wisht not willingly;
Mine eies were shut I might not see,
A Ladie of lesse maiestie.

What most I like, I neuer minde,
And so on you haue fixt my thoughts,
That others sights doe make me blinde,
And what I see but you is noughts;
By vse and custome thus you see,
Another nature liues in mee.

The more I looke, the more I loue,
The more I thinke, the more I thriue,
No obiect can my looke remoue,
No thought can better thoughts reuiue,
For what I see or thinke, I finde,
Exceedeth sight or thought of minde.

Since then your lookes, haue stolne mine eies,
And eies content to nourish loue,
And loue doth make my thoughts arise,
And thoughts are firme, and will not moue,
Vouchsafe to knit by powre vnknowne,
Our eies, our loues, our thoughts in one.
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