To Fulvia in Comfort of Her Heavinesse
To Fuluia in comfort of her heauinesse
E PIG . 277.
F ULUIA hold vp thy head; why pow'rst thou so?
Is thy new husband old? I faith Sir no:
A Woman's nay's a double yea (they say)
I did imagine where thine anguish lay.
Alas (poore girlle) thou hast not what thou hast;
And feeding still art yet constrain'd to fast.
E PIG . 277.
F ULUIA hold vp thy head; why pow'rst thou so?
Is thy new husband old? I faith Sir no:
A Woman's nay's a double yea (they say)
I did imagine where thine anguish lay.
Alas (poore girlle) thou hast not what thou hast;
And feeding still art yet constrain'd to fast.
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