On Garofalo's 'Descent from the Cross,' in the Borghese Gallery, Rome

While Magdalen seems clamorous in her woe,
Our Lady's silent sorrow moves me more,
As there she kneeleth, calmly sad, before
The body of her Son, and gazeth so
Upon his pallid blood-stained brow, as though
She yet endured the agony he bore
Through that long, endless day. She blanched not, no;
But stood beside the cross till all was o'er.
Oh, what a weight of sorrow crushed thy heart,
Mother most dear. What depth of agony
Didst thou then bear, and willingly, for me
And for all sinners. By the painter's art
As here, thy sufferings we presented see,
We grateful raise a hymn of praise to thee.
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