

Midst the orchard of the world though empire may appear delight,
Still, if thou wouldst view it closely, empire is but ceaseless fight.
Vain let no one be who ruleth kingdoms in these woeful days;
If in justice lie thy pleasure — then is empire truly right.
Reacheth e'en one lover union in the space of thousand years?
Let whoever sees it envy — empire is of faithless plight.
Think, O heart, alas! the revolutions of the rolling Sphere!
If at times 'tis joy, far oftener empire bringeth dire affright.
Do not envy, do not covet, then, the Kingship of the world;
O! take heed, Ilh a m i , empire bides not, swift indeed its flight.
Author of original: 
Ilhami, Sultan Selim III
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