General Robert Smalls
Beaufort, fair Beaufort, thou art a favored spot,For fate saw fit to cast in thee a noble hero's lot;
And we congratulate ourselves as in his house we stand,
As welcome guests to one of the most noted in the land.
Whose heart is warm as Southern sun, and noble, true and brave,
With patriotic fire full and restless as the wave;
Whose zeal and candor unconcealed, constrained us to admire;
Infused new zeal within our hearts and led us to aspire.
And 'mid these grand and gothic walls quite leasurely we saunter,
We ask him to rehearse to us the story of the " Planter " —
How when the fighting hottest grew, and strong hearts were dismayed,
Up to the pilot-house he flew and quick the fears allayed.
And though the whistling shot and shell fell thick on every side,
His deeds of valor we will tell to Nations yet with pride,
To Afric's sons and daughters we'll leave it as no mystery,
But hand them down on blocks of stone, and they shall live in history.
With Touissant L' Ouverture and Crispus Attuck brave,
John Brown and Abram Lincoln, who died to free the slave —
They, the nation's martyrs, and each loyal negro's walls
Should be adorned with portraits of these and Robert Smalls.English
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