Gentle Heardsman
" GENTLE : heardsman, tell to me —
of curtesy I thee pray, —
vnto the towne of walsingham
w hi ch is the right and ready way. "
" vnto the towne of walsingam
the way is hard ffor to be gon,
& verry crooked are those pathes
ffor you to ffind out all alone. "
" weere the miles doubled 3 ise,
& the way neu er soe ill,
itt were not enough for mine offence,
itt is soe greuious and soe ill. "
" Thy yeeares are young, thy face is ffaire,
thy witts are weake, thy thoughts are greene;
time hath not giuen thee leaue as yett
for to com m itt soe great a sinne. "
" Yes, heardsman, Yes, soe woldest thou say
if thou knewest soe much as I;
my witts, & thoughts, & all the rest,
haue well deserued for to dye.
" I am not what I seeme to bee;
my clothes & sexe doe differ ffarr;
I am a woman, woe is me!
[A prey] to greeffe & irksome care,
" [For my] beloued & well beloued
[My wayward cruelty could kill:
[And though my teares will nought avail,
[Most dearely I bewail him still.
" [He was the flower of noble w]ights;
[None ever more sincere colde] bee;
[Of comelye mien and shape he] was,
[And tenderlye he lov]ed mee.
" [When thus I saw he loved m]e well,
[I grewe so proude his paine t]o see,
[That I, who did not kn]ow my-selfe,
[Thought scorne of such a youth] as hee,
" And grew soe coy, & nice to please,
as womens lookes are often soe;
he might not kisse, nor hand fforsooth,
vnless I willed him soe to doe.
" Thus being wearyed w i th delayes
to see I pittyed not his greeffe,
he gott him to a secrett place,
& there hee dyed w i thout releeffe.
" And for his sake these weeds I weare,
to sacriffice my tender age,
& euery day Ile begg my bread
to vndergoe this pilgrimage.
" Thus euery day I ffast & pray,
& euer will doe till I dye,
& gett me to some secrett place;
ffor soe did hee, & soe will I.
" Now, gentle heardsman, aske no more,
but keepe my secretts, I thee pray;
vnto the towne of walsingam
show me the right & readye way. "
" Now goe thy wayes, & god before,
for he must euer guide thee still:
turne downe tha t dale, the right hand path,
& soe, ffaire Pilg[r]im, ffare thee well!
of curtesy I thee pray, —
vnto the towne of walsingham
w hi ch is the right and ready way. "
" vnto the towne of walsingam
the way is hard ffor to be gon,
& verry crooked are those pathes
ffor you to ffind out all alone. "
" weere the miles doubled 3 ise,
& the way neu er soe ill,
itt were not enough for mine offence,
itt is soe greuious and soe ill. "
" Thy yeeares are young, thy face is ffaire,
thy witts are weake, thy thoughts are greene;
time hath not giuen thee leaue as yett
for to com m itt soe great a sinne. "
" Yes, heardsman, Yes, soe woldest thou say
if thou knewest soe much as I;
my witts, & thoughts, & all the rest,
haue well deserued for to dye.
" I am not what I seeme to bee;
my clothes & sexe doe differ ffarr;
I am a woman, woe is me!
[A prey] to greeffe & irksome care,
" [For my] beloued & well beloued
[My wayward cruelty could kill:
[And though my teares will nought avail,
[Most dearely I bewail him still.
" [He was the flower of noble w]ights;
[None ever more sincere colde] bee;
[Of comelye mien and shape he] was,
[And tenderlye he lov]ed mee.
" [When thus I saw he loved m]e well,
[I grewe so proude his paine t]o see,
[That I, who did not kn]ow my-selfe,
[Thought scorne of such a youth] as hee,
" And grew soe coy, & nice to please,
as womens lookes are often soe;
he might not kisse, nor hand fforsooth,
vnless I willed him soe to doe.
" Thus being wearyed w i th delayes
to see I pittyed not his greeffe,
he gott him to a secrett place,
& there hee dyed w i thout releeffe.
" And for his sake these weeds I weare,
to sacriffice my tender age,
& euery day Ile begg my bread
to vndergoe this pilgrimage.
" Thus euery day I ffast & pray,
& euer will doe till I dye,
& gett me to some secrett place;
ffor soe did hee, & soe will I.
" Now, gentle heardsman, aske no more,
but keepe my secretts, I thee pray;
vnto the towne of walsingam
show me the right & readye way. "
" Now goe thy wayes, & god before,
for he must euer guide thee still:
turne downe tha t dale, the right hand path,
& soe, ffaire Pilg[r]im, ffare thee well!
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