The German Emigrant's Song

O Deutschland, our good Fatherland!
Where grows the vine, along the Rhine;
Where far the Alpine summits stand,
And o'er the free-born Switzer shine;
Where bright thy southern summer glows,
Thy northern winter sleeps in snows:
Thy pine-clad hills, thy heaths of sand,
All linked by Union's golden band,
Thou art our fathers' Fatherland.

O Deutschland, blue-eyed Herman's home!
Thou, earliest free, thy liberty
Hast sent where'er the Saxon roam;
Earth's new-born freedom sprang from thee.
First o'er thy woods it dawned, nor yet
Has there its pure effulgence set:
On to the west still rolls the day,
O'er ocean holds its heavenward way;
Its Fatherland, still thou for aye.

My Country! Home, where first I heard,
Full, deep, and strong, the patriot song,—
First learned to lisp the sacred word,
As pealed the bells thy vales along,—
Still with thee faith and honor dwell;
The oath we swear, we keep it well:
Nor needs our faith so strong a token;
A grasp of hand, a pledge just spoken,
Sure as our hearts, is never broken.

O Deutschland, our own Fatherland!
Though distant far, thou, like a star,
Beamest on us from the Frisian strand;
Our hearts, our loves, still centre there:
Still we behold the purpling vine,
Full clustered, crown the noble Rhine.
O, may thy sons, by valor manned,
With earnest soul, and strenuous hand,
Strike for thee, sacred Fatherland!
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