Gierusalemme Soggettita, La - Part 10
With glorious wounds the warrior's face was scarr'd,
And honour's badge was scored on his breast;
Both shield and habergeon were foully marr'd,
And well their owner's martial mind exprest:
The shining helmet and the waving crest,
By dint of ruthless sword were rudely shent;
A soaring hawk was on his shield emprest,
Which tow'rds yon azure arch her journey bent,
And clang'd her sounding wings as thro' the air she went.
And honour's badge was scored on his breast;
Both shield and habergeon were foully marr'd,
And well their owner's martial mind exprest:
The shining helmet and the waving crest,
By dint of ruthless sword were rudely shent;
A soaring hawk was on his shield emprest,
Which tow'rds yon azure arch her journey bent,
And clang'd her sounding wings as thro' the air she went.
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