Gierusalemme Soggettita, La - Part 12
Now sated hunger was, and sated thirst,
And ready servants tables mov'd away;
Then old Belgard his guest addressed first,
Kind courteous Sir, one boon I craven may,
Of thy proud deeds and lineage the display;
For well I ween that noble is thy strain,
And strong thy hand in fierce Bellona's fray,
Thy port and countenance aread thee plain,
To be in knightly thews an honourable swain.
And ready servants tables mov'd away;
Then old Belgard his guest addressed first,
Kind courteous Sir, one boon I craven may,
Of thy proud deeds and lineage the display;
For well I ween that noble is thy strain,
And strong thy hand in fierce Bellona's fray,
Thy port and countenance aread thee plain,
To be in knightly thews an honourable swain.
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