Give Us Sober Men

Give us sober men for leaders —
Men who never take a drink;
Men who love our God and country,
And whose minds are clear to think;
Men who strive to do their duty
In the places that they fill;
Men who can't be bought with money,
Nor with evils that would thrill.

Give us sober men in business
Whom, as patrons, we can trust;
Men whose characters are spotless
And whose plans are fair and just;
Men who live the truth and tell it —
Free from pretense and disguise;
Men whose aim and work and purpose
Is to help their fellows rise.

Give us sober men in business —
Men who love our country's laws;
Men who stand for righteous freedom
And for ev'ry noble cause;
Men with hearts both kind and tender
Toward their fellows that are down;
Men who wouldn't sell their nation
For a throne and robe and crown.

Give us sober men as fathers,
Sober teachers for our schools;
Men with sound, exalted standards,
Far removed from those of fools;
Men who love the Holy Bible
And obey it, day by day;
Give us men to lead us upward —
Men who watch and fast and pray.
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