The Glorious Ides of April now were come


The Glorious Ides of April now were come,
And Heav'n all open'd to survey
The Mighty Triumphs of the Blessed Day:
And Earth had drest her self in all her Bloom ,
And sent abroad a universal joy !
Ten Thousand Angels fill'd the glitt'ring Air ;
And all was Harmony above,
O're all the Azure plains the Golden Cherubs move;
And Seraphins were chanting every where,
Gay Robes of Light the young Divinities put on,
And spread their shining Locks to outvie the Sun .
On Pillows form'd of yielding Air they lye,
Plac'd in the mid-way Regions of the Sky;
On Jury Lutes and Silver Harps they play'd
And gave the Sacred PAIR a Heav'nly Serenade :
Call'd forth the wond'ring Crowd, the Beaut'ous throng,
While all the Host of Heav'n attended on the Song .
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