The Glory of the West

To unperplex the Riddles of our State,
And to discover t'us our hidden part,
Welcome (we cry) Welcome to George the Great ,
A joyfull sight to see .

Not like the Macedon's impatient sword,
That solv'd the doubt tyed in the Gordian Cord,
Great George doth time proportion due afford,
A joyfull , &c.

Wisdoms great pattern bred at Bellonaes Brest,
Prudence and Valour joyned in one Rest,
No more St. George shall be but George the Blest ,
A joyfull , &c.

As Caesar did the affrighted Boat-man learn,
When he sate trembling at the stinking stern,
My fates Embarqued that do's the world concern,
A joyfull , &c.

So the wrackt Vessel of the state distrest,
With Heav'ns angry blasts, now seeks for rest,
From the Favonian Gales of George o'th' West ,
A joyfull , &c.

His great excelling merits in the Scale,
Of our rais'd hope, nor shall the angry Taile ,
Of any Comet 'gainst our peace prevail,
A joyfull , &c.

Another Fabius , whose wise delayes
(Like a misty morn, guilt with the Suns noon'd rayes)
Have Crown'd him with the Glorious Bayes,
A joyfull , &c.

He that has marched quite three Kingdoms o're,
Subdu'd his great mind for to make them four,
The signs to bring peace and plenty to our door.
A joyfull , &c.

Let all antient Glory then be a Romance ,
Let old Fame, and craz'd Time, lye in a Trance,
Nothing new but Hony Soit qui maly pense ,
A joyfull , &c.

This is the Noble Champion of the Garter ,
The Great Defender of the Magna Charta ,
The Soveraign Good came from the Northerne Quarter ,
A joyfull , &c.

To settle a Nation without any Blowes,
To break down the Bridge of another Nose,
To do what all wish, but no body Knows,
A joyfull , &c.

To compleat a Design without any Noyse,
To amuse the Loud cry of Vive le Roys ,
And sport all along with your Commonwealth toys,
A joyfull , &c.

But all the grand Hero's and wise ones together,
None had such advantage of Wine and Weather,
'Tis true he's sprung of a Princely Feather,
A joyfull , &c.

Where shall we begin his Trophees to raise?
Or when shall we make an end of his praise?
The blessing and honour and joy of these dayes,
A joyfull , &c.

The untam'd Scot (before his glorious time)
Has made t'expiate their treacherous crime,
They own him sole Conqueror of their Clime,
A joyfull , &c.

His great and most powerfull Influence,
Ha's restrain'd them in their Obedience,
As if they own'd the Vice-roy of their Prince,
A joyfull , &c.

The shifting Irish 'bey'd his great command,
The slaughter'd Dutch , yet rowling on the sand,
Crave a reflux, to keep them from his hand,
A joyfull , &c.

Thrice did he Victory over them repeat,
And the almost wearied State were forc'd to treat
To save them from a final last defeat,
A joyfull , &c.

Whether we conquer'd are, or we must submit,
By his all-powerfull hand to them that sit,
We are sure to be eas'd of our present fit,
A joyfull , &c.

What is great George should come to the City,
And in all your good humours should presently fit ye,
And I hope he will do; else more is the pity.
A joyfull sight, to see .
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