The God of the Gardens 1
Come not! Away! Let not one step be stayed!
Insidious pillager, I fancy you
Would steal the grapes, mad-apples, olives, too,
Which the sun ripens in the orchard's shade.
I watch. A shepherd once with hedge-bill blade
Carved me from fig-tree trunk Ægina knew;
Laugh, but consider how Priapus grew,
And know none can his fierce revenge evade.
Of old, to seamen dear, on galley's beak
With ruddy glow I stood, and joyed to speak
To laughter-sparkling or foam-crested waves;
And now the fruits and herbs I keep watch o'er,
To shield this garden from marauding knaves ...
The smiling Cyclades I'll ne'er see more.
Insidious pillager, I fancy you
Would steal the grapes, mad-apples, olives, too,
Which the sun ripens in the orchard's shade.
I watch. A shepherd once with hedge-bill blade
Carved me from fig-tree trunk Ægina knew;
Laugh, but consider how Priapus grew,
And know none can his fierce revenge evade.
Of old, to seamen dear, on galley's beak
With ruddy glow I stood, and joyed to speak
To laughter-sparkling or foam-crested waves;
And now the fruits and herbs I keep watch o'er,
To shield this garden from marauding knaves ...
The smiling Cyclades I'll ne'er see more.
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