God in the Nation's Life

Putting God in the Nation's life,
Bringing us back to the ideal thing--
There's something fine in a creed like that,
Something true in those words that ring.
Sneer as you will at the "preacher air,"
Scoff as you will at the Bible tang,
It's putting God in the Nation's life
That will keep it clear of the crooked "gang."

We've kept Him out of its life too long,
We've been afraid--to our utter shame--
To put Him into our speech and song,
To stand on the hustings and speak His name.
We've put all things in that life but Him,
We've put our selfishness, pride and show;
It is time for the true ideal to come,
And time for the low desire to go.

Putting God in the Nation's life,
Helping us think of the higher thing
That is the kind of speech to make
That is the kind of song to sing.
Upward and forward and let us try,
The new ideal in the forthright way--
Putting God in the Nation's life,
And putting it there in a style to stay.
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