God Is There

When your Christian duty calls you
To the sick and to the sad,
And you go to take some sunshine
And to make somebody glad,
You may have the sweet assurance
As you breathe an earnest prayer,
That the place where you are going
God the Father will be there.

If you want to help the outcast
Find the pathway to the goal,
Or the wretched, poor lost sinner
Seek salvation for his soul;
Or someone who seems quite hopeless,
And for whom there's little care,
Go and look for such dear people
And our God will meet you there.

In the prisons of our country
Men are found behind the bars,
Who have fallen from their manhood,
In whose lives are many scars,
So they need someone to help them,
Who some Christian love may share,
Then go forth and help the prisoner
And you'll find the Saviour there.

Or if you are burdened heavy
With the cares of friends and home,
Or temptations, tests and trials
Where you live and where you roam,
Don't surrender faith and courage,
Neither quit the place of prayer,
For the God of earth and heaven
Always meets His children there.
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