God's Call

Shall I spend the days of my youth in pride,
And leave no longing of life denied;
Shall I heap to myself an earthly treasure,
And worship before the throne of pleasure,
Ambition, and hope, and life are mine,
And dreams as bright as the stars that shine.
With empty glamor the world allures,
The devil beckons, the flesh conjures.
Shall I close my heart to the God of Truth,
And leave Him out of my years of youth,
Then when I have wasted away the best,
Return to the Father and offer the rest;
A shattered vessel, a few short years,
A life made bitter by selfish fears?
Since God so loved that He gave His all,
Shall I give less when I hear His call?

Oh, no, Lord Jesus, while I am young
To teach Thy Word will I give my tongue;
My feet to follow where Thou shalt lead,
My hands to labor for Thee indeed;
And all ambition my heart has known;
I yield to Thee, to be Thine alone.
The plans that selfishly I have made,
With hopes and dreams are before Thee laid.
A faithful steward I long to be
Over any talent entrusted me,
That when I face the eternal Son
And He sees His fruit, He may say, “Well done.”
Oh, take my heart, my life, my all—
I have heard Thy voice, I have met Thy call.
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