Going Home with Jesus

I am going home with Jesus
As the days go passing by,
For we're having sweet communion —
To His heart He draws me nigh —
And He tells me He will keep me
If I trust Him all the way,
And be humble, meek and lowly,
And His Holy Word obey.

O I'm going home with Jesus —
Precious truth it is to me —
And it makes my heart so happy
When I think of what shall be
My reward for being faithful
As a servant on the earth —
Life eternal and no trouble,
Peace and everlasting mirth!

I am going home with Jesus —
Soon we'll pass the pearly gates —
And I'll occupy a mansion
That I know for me awaits,
Where I'll dwell with shining angels
And my loved ones sweet and fair,
Who have passed me on life's journey
And are waiting for me there.

When I reach my home in heaven
Where I'll live for evermore,
I will sing and shout God's praises
With the saints who've gone before,
Where we'll have no times of sadness
And no seasons of distress,
But in holy love and worship
We shall have the sweetest rest.
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