To a Goldsmiths Most Faire Wife, that Alwaies Useth to Stand Behinde the Desk in Her Shop
E PIG . 239.
S TAND'ST thou behinde thy deske as thou didst feare
Least some should rate thee as thy ware they rate?
Thy fortunes bid thee sell: then (O) appeare;
by beauties beames will so enrich thy plate,
That it for thee and thou for it wilt sell,
At thine owne price; and so fare-ill, or well.
S TAND'ST thou behinde thy deske as thou didst feare
Least some should rate thee as thy ware they rate?
Thy fortunes bid thee sell: then (O) appeare;
by beauties beames will so enrich thy plate,
That it for thee and thou for it wilt sell,
At thine owne price; and so fare-ill, or well.
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