Grace for Gardens

Lord God in Paradise,
Look upon our sowing,
Bless the little gardens
And good green growing!
Give us sun,
Give us rain,
Bless the orchards
And the grain!

Lord God in Paradise,
Please bless the beans and peas,
Give us full corn on the ear,
We will praise you, Lord, for these.
Bless the blossom,
And the fruit.
Bless the seed
And the root!

Lord God in Paradise,
Over my brown field is seen,
Trembling and adventuring,
A miracle of green.
Send such grace
As you know
To keep it safe
And make it grow!

Lord God in Paradise,
For the wonder of the seed
Wondering, we thank you, while
We tell you of our need.
Look down from Paradise,
Look upon our sowing.
Bless the little gardens
And good green growing.
Give us sun,
Give us rain,
Bless the orchards
And the grain!
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