The Guest
I knock, but knock in vain; there is no call
Comes from within to bid me enter there;
The selfish owner sits within his hall,
And will not open, will not hear my prayer;
Blessed is the man that doth my call attend,
And rise with anxious haste to see his guest;
For I to all that hear me am a friend,
And where I enter in that house is blest;
Oh hasten then each mansion to prepare
For him who blesses all that hear his word,
He shall with them his Father's mansion share;
Eye hath not seen, nor mortal ear hath heard
That which the heart that loves the Lord shall see,
When they within the veil with him shall be.
Comes from within to bid me enter there;
The selfish owner sits within his hall,
And will not open, will not hear my prayer;
Blessed is the man that doth my call attend,
And rise with anxious haste to see his guest;
For I to all that hear me am a friend,
And where I enter in that house is blest;
Oh hasten then each mansion to prepare
For him who blesses all that hear his word,
He shall with them his Father's mansion share;
Eye hath not seen, nor mortal ear hath heard
That which the heart that loves the Lord shall see,
When they within the veil with him shall be.
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