On the Gunpowder Plot
James derided the Purgatorial fire of the soul,
without which there is no approaching of the celestial mansions.
The Latin monster with triple crown gnashed its teeth at this
and moved its ten horns with frightful menace
and, it cried, " You shall not scorn my sacred rites with impunity, Englishman;
you shall suffer punishment for your contempt of religion.
And if ever you enter the starry citadels,
the only way open is the sad one through the flames. "
O how close you came to a calamitous truth
and only barely were your words deprived of their consequences,
for he nearly ascended to the eternal regions,
a scorched ghost, whirled on high by the Tartarean fire.
without which there is no approaching of the celestial mansions.
The Latin monster with triple crown gnashed its teeth at this
and moved its ten horns with frightful menace
and, it cried, " You shall not scorn my sacred rites with impunity, Englishman;
you shall suffer punishment for your contempt of religion.
And if ever you enter the starry citadels,
the only way open is the sad one through the flames. "
O how close you came to a calamitous truth
and only barely were your words deprived of their consequences,
for he nearly ascended to the eternal regions,
a scorched ghost, whirled on high by the Tartarean fire.
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