Hail, O most worthy in all the world!


 Hail, O most worthy in all the world!
Thou purest Maiden that ever on earth
Through the long ages lived among men!
Rightly all mortals in blithe mood
Name thee blessed and hail thee Bride
Of the King of glory. The thanes of Christ,
In heaven the highest, carol and sing
Proclaiming thee Lady of the heavenly legions,
Of earthly orders, and the hosts of hell.
 Thou only of women didst purpose of old
To bring thy maidhood unto thy Maker,
Presenting it there unspotted of sin.
Of all mankind there came no other,
No bride with linked jewels, like unto thee
With pure heart sending thy glorious gift
To its heavenly home. The Lord of triumph
Sent forth His herald from the hosts on high
To bring thee knowledge of abundant grace:
That in pure birth thou shouldst bear God's Son
In mercy to men; and thou thyself, Mary,
Remain for ever Immaculate Maid.
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