He Keepeth Them
' 'Twas a long, long winter,' said the Bug,
' But I didn't have to eat,
And in the wraps of Nature's rug
I slumbered calm and sweet.
I fear no harm in sun or snow,' saith he,
' For He who keeps the children keepeth me.'
' 'Twas a long, long winter,' said the Fawn,
' But I never hungry went,
And 'gainst the wolves, at dark or dawn,
The bow of God was bent.
I fear no harm in sun or snow,' saith he,
' For He who keeps the children keepeth me.'
' The cold was long, and yet ' the Orphan said,
' I never hungry went,
And Someone warmed me in my little bed,
And food I longed for sent.
I fear no harm in sun or snow, for He
Who keeps the Bugs and Fawns, He keepeth me.'
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