He Knew Jim
I 'm the same age ez Garfield wuz,
An I went t' school with him ;
But here I be in No. i
While millions is mournin Jim.
I knowed him better 'n I know you
He lived next farm to us ;
But he wuz good ez wheat, while I
Wuz allus a worthless cuss.
Why I can well remember when
He driv an Erie mule,
An I would stand aside and say,
Well, you 're a thundren fool !
But on he 'd go with laughing eye,
Whistlin a Meth'dist hymn
And here I be in No. i
While millions is mournin Jim.
I went down and he went up :
Queer when I come to think,
Jim ud never go on a whirl
An never learned to drink.
I tell you what there must hev been
A lot of sand in Jim,
Fer here I be in No. i
While millions is mournin him.
Why blame it, I remember Jim
In rags an such when I
Wuz dressed like any dry goods clerk,
An reckoned pretty fly.
I had a chance to climb the hill
God never gave to Jim,
Yet here I am in No. i
While millions is mournin him.
Why did n't they go to work and shoot
A worthless cuss like me?
But he, poor chap, wuz fit to die,
Which ain't my case, d' ye see.
I wish that I was dead an gone,
Once more along of Jim ;
But here I be in No. i
While millions is mournin him.
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