He That Loveth Purenesse of Hart for the Grace of His Lippes, the King Shall Be His Friend

He that loueth purenesse of hart for the grace of his lippes, the King shall be his Friend .

Good Preachers , that liue ill [like Spittlemen]
Are perfect in the way they neuer went:
Or like the Flame that led Gods Children,
It selfe not knowing what the matter ment:
They be, like Trumpets making others fight,
Themselues not striking stroke; sith liuelesse Things:
Like Land-marks , worne to nought, beeing in the Right
Like well-directing ill-affected Kings
Like Bels that others call where they come not:
Like Soape , remaining blacke , and making white :
Like Bowes , that to the Marke the Shafts haue shot,
While they themselues stand bent, vnapt for flight:
For, where their Wordes and Works are not agreed,
There what they mend in Word , they marre in Deed .English
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