Hear Our Prayer, O Blessed Lord
Hear our prayer, O blessed L ORD !
Grant that this Thy Word, now spoken,
Which our outward ears have heard, —
Bread for dying mortals broken, —
May, by Thine own grace supernal,
Feed our souls to life eternal.
Though we leave Thy dwelling-place,
Leave us not, O loving Saviour!
Let the sunshine of Thy face
Dwell within our hearts for ever:
All our sins, though dear and pleasant,
Flee for shame when Thou art present.
Through our week-day toil and care,
Through all dangers and temptations,
May this day of praise and prayer
Breathe Thy strength of love and patience; —
Keep us pure, and meek, and lowly;
Make us brave, and true, and holy.
So shall we at last be found
Over sin and death victorious;
By Thy loving mercy crowned;
Numbered with Thy saints all-glorious:
Where, with angel choirs attended,
Songs of praise are never ended.
Holy F ATHER , holy S ON ,
H OLY S PIRIT , ever blessed, —
One in Three, and Three in One,
Glory be to Thee addressed; —
Glory here on earth be given;
Glory by the hosts of Heaven.
Hear our prayer, O blessed L ORD !
Grant that this Thy Word, now spoken,
Which our outward ears have heard, —
Bread for dying mortals broken, —
May, by Thine own grace supernal,
Feed our souls to life eternal.
Though we leave Thy dwelling-place,
Leave us not, O loving Saviour!
Let the sunshine of Thy face
Dwell within our hearts for ever:
All our sins, though dear and pleasant,
Flee for shame when Thou art present.
Through our week-day toil and care,
Through all dangers and temptations,
May this day of praise and prayer
Breathe Thy strength of love and patience; —
Keep us pure, and meek, and lowly;
Make us brave, and true, and holy.
So shall we at last be found
Over sin and death victorious;
By Thy loving mercy crowned;
Numbered with Thy saints all-glorious:
Where, with angel choirs attended,
Songs of praise are never ended.
Holy F ATHER , holy S ON ,
H OLY S PIRIT , ever blessed, —
One in Three, and Three in One,
Glory be to Thee addressed; —
Glory here on earth be given;
Glory by the hosts of Heaven.
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