Heave Away

1 Sometimes we're bound to New York town and others we're bound to France,
Heave away, my jollies, heave away, ay!
But now we're bound to Liverpool to see the English girls dance
And away, my jolly boys, we're all bound to go!

2 The pilot he is waiting for the turning of the tide,
And then we are off with a good westerly wind.

3 We've got our advance in our pockets, and we'll spend it in Liverpool!
We'll take in both sides of Lime Street and wind up at the American Bar!

4 And when the money is gone and spent we'll look for a ship once more. TWICE .

5 We'll go to old John DaCosta's, and he'll send us to Frisco by way of Cape Horn.
Be sure you've got boots and oilskins, for you'll need them when you're rounding the Horn!
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