Height in Humility
Why should I speak imperious courtiers faire?
Lest they exclude thee, at thy Court repaire.
If they shall see me enter willingly,
Let them exclude me. If necessitie
Driue me amongst them, and they shut the dore,
I do my best, and they can do no more.
Gods will, and mine, then weigh'd: I his preferre,
Being his vow'd lackey, and poore sufferer:
I trie what his will is, and will with it:
No gate is shut to me; that shame must fit
Shamelesse intruders. Why feare I disgrace
To beare ill censure by a man of face?
Will any thinke that impudence can be
An equal demonstration of me?
Tis kingly, Cyrus (said Antisthenes)
When thou doest well, to heare this ill of these.
But many pitie thy defects in thee.
I mocke them euer that so pittie me.
Strangers they are, and know not what I am;
Where I place good and ill, nor euer came
Where my course lies: but theirs the world may know:
They lay it out, onely to name and show.
If comfort follow truth of knowledge still,
They meete with little truth; for if their skill
Get not applause, their comfort comes to nought.
I studie still to be, they to be thought.
Are they lesse frustrate of their ends then I?
Or fall they lesse into the ils they flie?
Are they industrious more? lesse passionate?
Lesse faltring in their course? more celebrate
Truth in their comforts? But they get before
Much in opinion. True, they seeke it more.
Lest they exclude thee, at thy Court repaire.
If they shall see me enter willingly,
Let them exclude me. If necessitie
Driue me amongst them, and they shut the dore,
I do my best, and they can do no more.
Gods will, and mine, then weigh'd: I his preferre,
Being his vow'd lackey, and poore sufferer:
I trie what his will is, and will with it:
No gate is shut to me; that shame must fit
Shamelesse intruders. Why feare I disgrace
To beare ill censure by a man of face?
Will any thinke that impudence can be
An equal demonstration of me?
Tis kingly, Cyrus (said Antisthenes)
When thou doest well, to heare this ill of these.
But many pitie thy defects in thee.
I mocke them euer that so pittie me.
Strangers they are, and know not what I am;
Where I place good and ill, nor euer came
Where my course lies: but theirs the world may know:
They lay it out, onely to name and show.
If comfort follow truth of knowledge still,
They meete with little truth; for if their skill
Get not applause, their comfort comes to nought.
I studie still to be, they to be thought.
Are they lesse frustrate of their ends then I?
Or fall they lesse into the ils they flie?
Are they industrious more? lesse passionate?
Lesse faltring in their course? more celebrate
Truth in their comforts? But they get before
Much in opinion. True, they seeke it more.
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