Hellens Rape
Louely a Lasse, so loued a Lasse, and (alas) such a louing
Lasse, for a while (but a while) was none such a sweet bonny Loue-Lasse
As Helen, Maenelaus louing, lou'd, loulie a loue-lasse ,
Till spightfull Fortune from a loue-lasse-made her a loue-lesse
Wife. From a wise women to a witles vvanton abandond,
When her mate (vnawares) made warres in Peloponessus,
Adultrous Paris (then a Boy) kept sheepe as a shepheard
On Ida Mountaine, unknowne to the King for a Keeper
Of sheep, on Ida Mountaine, as a Boy, as a shepheard:
Yet such sheep he kept, and was so seemelie a shepheard,
Seemlie a Boy, so seemlie a youth, so seemlie a Younker,
That on Ida was not such a Boy, such a youth, such a Younker.
Sonne now reconcil'd to the Father, fained a letter
Sent him by Iupiter ( the greatest God in Olympus)
For to repaire with speede to the brauest Graecian Hauen,
And to redeeme againe Hesyone latelie reuolted
From Troy by Aiax, whom she had newly betrothed .
Well, so well he told his tale to his Aunt Amaryllis
That Amaryllis, (his Aunt,) obtaind aid of his aged
Syre, that he sent him a ship, and made Capten of Argus.
Great store went to Greece with lust-bewitched Alexis,
Telamour, and Tydias: with these he sliceth the salt seas ,
The salt seas slicing, at length he comes to the firme land,
Firme land an auntient Iland cald old Lacedaemon.
Argus (eye full Earle) when first the ken of a Castle
He had spide bespake: (to the Mate, to the men, to the Mates-man;
Lo behold of Greece (quoth he) the great Cytadella.
( Ycleaped Menela) so tearmed of Deliaes Husband :
Happie Helen, Womens most woonder, beautifull Helen.
Oh would God (quoth he) with a flattring Tongue he repeated:
Oh would God (quoth he) that I might deserue to be husband
To such a happie huswife, to such a beautifull Helen.
This he spake to intice the minde of a lecherous young-man:
But what spurres need now, for an vntam'd Titt to be trotting:
Or to add old Oile to the flame, new flaxe to the fier:
Paris heard him hard, and gaue good eare to his hearkening:
And then his loue to a lust, his lust was turnd to a fier,
Fier was turnd to a flame, and flame was turnd to a burning
Brand: and mothers Dreame was then most truelie resolued.
Well so far th'are come, that now th'are come to the Castle,
Castle all of stone, yet euery stone vvas a Castle:
Euerie foote had a Fort, and euerie Fort had a fountaine,
Euerie fountaine a spring, and euerie spring had a spurting
Streame: so strong without, vvithin, so stately a building,
Neuer afore vvas seene; If neuer afore Polyphaebe
Was seene: vvas to be seene, if nere to be seene vvas Olympus.
Flovvers vvere framd of flints, Walls, Rubies, Rafters of Argent:
Pauement of Chrisolite, Windows contriu'd of a Cristall:
Vessels were of gold, with gold was each thing adorned:
Golden Webs more worth than a vvealthy Souldan of Egypt ,
And her selfe more vvorth than a vvealthy Souldan of Egypt :
And her selfe more worth than all the wealth shee possessed;
Selfe? indeede such a selfe, as thundring Ioue in Olympus,
Though he were father could finde in his hart to be husband.
Embassage ended, to the Queene of faire Lacedaemon;
(Happie King of a Queene so faire, of a Countrey so famous)
Embassage ended, a Banquet braue was appointed:
Sweet Repast for a Prince, fine Iunkets fit for a Kings sonne.
Biskets and Carrawayes, Comfets, Tart, Plate, Ielley, Ginger-bread,
Lymons and Medlars: and Dishes moe by a thousand.
First they fell to the feast, and after fall to a Dauncing,
And from a Dance to a Trance, from a Trance they fell to a falling,
Either in other armes, and either in armes of another.
Pastime ouer-past, and Banquet duely prepared,
Deuoutly pared: Each one hies home to his owne home,
Saue Lord and Ladie; Young Lad, but yet such an old Lad,
In such a Ladies lappe, at such a slipperie by-blow,
That in a vvorld so vvilde, could not be found such a wilie
Lad: in an Age so old, could not be found such an old lad:
Old lad, and bold lad, such a Boy, such a lustie Iuuentus:
Well to their vvorke they goe, and both they iumble in one Bed:
Worke so well they like, that they still like to be vvorking:
For Aurora mounts before he leaues to be mounting:
And Astraea fades before she faints to be falling:
(Helen a light Huswife, now a lightsome starre in Olympus.)
Lasse, for a while (but a while) was none such a sweet bonny Loue-Lasse
As Helen, Maenelaus louing, lou'd, loulie a loue-lasse ,
Till spightfull Fortune from a loue-lasse-made her a loue-lesse
Wife. From a wise women to a witles vvanton abandond,
When her mate (vnawares) made warres in Peloponessus,
Adultrous Paris (then a Boy) kept sheepe as a shepheard
On Ida Mountaine, unknowne to the King for a Keeper
Of sheep, on Ida Mountaine, as a Boy, as a shepheard:
Yet such sheep he kept, and was so seemelie a shepheard,
Seemlie a Boy, so seemlie a youth, so seemlie a Younker,
That on Ida was not such a Boy, such a youth, such a Younker.
Sonne now reconcil'd to the Father, fained a letter
Sent him by Iupiter ( the greatest God in Olympus)
For to repaire with speede to the brauest Graecian Hauen,
And to redeeme againe Hesyone latelie reuolted
From Troy by Aiax, whom she had newly betrothed .
Well, so well he told his tale to his Aunt Amaryllis
That Amaryllis, (his Aunt,) obtaind aid of his aged
Syre, that he sent him a ship, and made Capten of Argus.
Great store went to Greece with lust-bewitched Alexis,
Telamour, and Tydias: with these he sliceth the salt seas ,
The salt seas slicing, at length he comes to the firme land,
Firme land an auntient Iland cald old Lacedaemon.
Argus (eye full Earle) when first the ken of a Castle
He had spide bespake: (to the Mate, to the men, to the Mates-man;
Lo behold of Greece (quoth he) the great Cytadella.
( Ycleaped Menela) so tearmed of Deliaes Husband :
Happie Helen, Womens most woonder, beautifull Helen.
Oh would God (quoth he) with a flattring Tongue he repeated:
Oh would God (quoth he) that I might deserue to be husband
To such a happie huswife, to such a beautifull Helen.
This he spake to intice the minde of a lecherous young-man:
But what spurres need now, for an vntam'd Titt to be trotting:
Or to add old Oile to the flame, new flaxe to the fier:
Paris heard him hard, and gaue good eare to his hearkening:
And then his loue to a lust, his lust was turnd to a fier,
Fier was turnd to a flame, and flame was turnd to a burning
Brand: and mothers Dreame was then most truelie resolued.
Well so far th'are come, that now th'are come to the Castle,
Castle all of stone, yet euery stone vvas a Castle:
Euerie foote had a Fort, and euerie Fort had a fountaine,
Euerie fountaine a spring, and euerie spring had a spurting
Streame: so strong without, vvithin, so stately a building,
Neuer afore vvas seene; If neuer afore Polyphaebe
Was seene: vvas to be seene, if nere to be seene vvas Olympus.
Flovvers vvere framd of flints, Walls, Rubies, Rafters of Argent:
Pauement of Chrisolite, Windows contriu'd of a Cristall:
Vessels were of gold, with gold was each thing adorned:
Golden Webs more worth than a vvealthy Souldan of Egypt ,
And her selfe more vvorth than a vvealthy Souldan of Egypt :
And her selfe more worth than all the wealth shee possessed;
Selfe? indeede such a selfe, as thundring Ioue in Olympus,
Though he were father could finde in his hart to be husband.
Embassage ended, to the Queene of faire Lacedaemon;
(Happie King of a Queene so faire, of a Countrey so famous)
Embassage ended, a Banquet braue was appointed:
Sweet Repast for a Prince, fine Iunkets fit for a Kings sonne.
Biskets and Carrawayes, Comfets, Tart, Plate, Ielley, Ginger-bread,
Lymons and Medlars: and Dishes moe by a thousand.
First they fell to the feast, and after fall to a Dauncing,
And from a Dance to a Trance, from a Trance they fell to a falling,
Either in other armes, and either in armes of another.
Pastime ouer-past, and Banquet duely prepared,
Deuoutly pared: Each one hies home to his owne home,
Saue Lord and Ladie; Young Lad, but yet such an old Lad,
In such a Ladies lappe, at such a slipperie by-blow,
That in a vvorld so vvilde, could not be found such a wilie
Lad: in an Age so old, could not be found such an old lad:
Old lad, and bold lad, such a Boy, such a lustie Iuuentus:
Well to their vvorke they goe, and both they iumble in one Bed:
Worke so well they like, that they still like to be vvorking:
For Aurora mounts before he leaues to be mounting:
And Astraea fades before she faints to be falling:
(Helen a light Huswife, now a lightsome starre in Olympus.)
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