A Henpecked Husband
How, hey! It is none les:
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
Ying men, I warne you everichone,
Elde wives take ye none;
For I myself have one at home—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
When I cum fro the plow at noon,
In a riven dish my mete is doon;
I dare not asken our dame a spoon—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
If I aske our dame bred,
She taketh a staf and breketh myn hed,
And doth me rennen under the led—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
If I aske our dame flesh,
She breketh myn hed with a dish:
‘Boy, thou art not worth a rish!’—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
If I aske our dame chese,
‘Boy’, she saith, al at ese,
‘Thou art not worth half a pese!’—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
Ying men, I warne you everichone,
Elde wives take ye none;
For I myself have one at home—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
When I cum fro the plow at noon,
In a riven dish my mete is doon;
I dare not asken our dame a spoon—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
If I aske our dame bred,
She taketh a staf and breketh myn hed,
And doth me rennen under the led—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
If I aske our dame flesh,
She breketh myn hed with a dish:
‘Boy, thou art not worth a rish!’—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
If I aske our dame chese,
‘Boy’, she saith, al at ese,
‘Thou art not worth half a pese!’—
I dare not sayn when she saith ‘Pes!’
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