Her Talking Eyes

Mollie is graduatin', an' they say she's goin' to speak
A little piece in Latin, an' another piece in Greek.
I dunno nuthin' about 'em: I'm dull as a dunce could be,
But Moll has a way of talkin' with her dear, sweet eyes, to me!

What do I keer for Latin? It's Greek to me, I say!
But I understan' the language when her bright eyes look my way!
I know she's thar', on the platform; I hear her sweet voice speak:
But her eyes — they're talkin' English to the heart that don't know Greek!

I hear the folks applaudin': I hear 'em, an' I say:
" They dunno nuthin' about the eyes that are lookin her lover's way! "
But I read 'em; an' feel more thankful than ever my heart kin speak,
That her dear eyes talk in English to the heart that don't know Greek!
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