As here on earth's soil God's Son Eternal

As here on earth's soil God's Son Eternal
Mounted by leaps above the high hills,
Bold on the mountains, so we mortal men
In our hearts' musings must mount by leaps
From strength to strength, and strive for glory,
That we may ascend by holy works
To the highest heavens, where are joy and hope,
A goodly band of thanes. Great is our need
In our secret souls that we seek salvation,
If we have in our hearts a fervent faith
That the Healing Son, the Living Saviour,
With our own body ascended from earth.
Wherefore we should ever despise idle lusts,
The wounds of sin, finding bliss in the better.
We have for our comfort our Father on high,
Almighty God. From heaven the Holy One
Sends His angels hither to earth,
Who shield us from spoilers and their deadly darts
Lest the fiends work wounds when the Author of evil
Against God's people shoots bitter shafts
From his bended bow. Therefore fast and firm
We must warily watch against the sudden shot
Lest poisoned arrow or pitiless dart,
Or the Foe's swift cunning, should pierce our frame.
Grievous that hurt, most ghastly of wounds!
Let us guard against it while we dwell on earth.
Let us pray the Father that He grant us peace,
The Son of God, and the blithe Spirit,
That He who shaped us with life and limbs,
With body and soul, may shield us well
From the wiles of the wicked, the weapons of foes.
To Him be praise and glory in heaven
For ever and ever, world without end.

Nor need any man of the race of men
Fear darts of devils or spear-flights of fiends
If the Lord God of hosts is his defence.
The Judgment is near; we shall know reward
According as we have won it by our works
During days of life dwelling on earth.
The Scriptures tell us how the Treasure of might,
God's Glorious Son, in the beginning
Stooped to the world, to the womb of the Virgin,
Holy from heaven. Verily I await,
And also dread, a sterner doom
When the King of angels shall come again —
I who obeyed not well what my Saviour bade me
In the Books. I shall surely see
The terror of vengeance of sin, as I count it true,
Where many shall be summoned to the Assembly
Before the face of the Eternal Judge.
Then even the bold shall tremble in terror
Hearing the King, the Ruler of heaven,
Speak wrathful words to those in the world
Who obeyed Him feebly when affliction and need
Most easily may find comfort. There many a one
In that place shall wearily await with fear
What dreadful punishment God shall ordain
According to man's works. Winsomeness of earth's treasures
Shall be departed. Our portion of life's joy
Was long washed with floods , all wealth on earth.
In that day earth's treasures shall burn in the blast;
Fiercely shall ravage the swift, red flame.
It shall rush in rage over the wide world;
Plains shall perish, castles shall crumble;
The fire shall be fleet; most greedy of spirits
It shall eat up all the ancient treasure
Men gained of old when was glory on earth.
Therefore I urge each of my beloved
That he never slight the need of his soul,
Nor engulf it in pride while God may will
That here in the world he has his dwelling
While soul fares in body, that friendly inn.
Let each of men earnestly in his days on earth
Muse in his heart how the Lord of might
First came with pity by the angel's promise.
But He shall be grim when He comes again,
Just and stern. Then the heavens shall be shaken,
And the mighty limits of earth shall be moved.
He shall give their reward to those who through wickedness
Lived upon earth soiled with their sin.
Soul-weary and sad they shall long receive,
In the bath of fire begirt with flame,
In return for their sin a terrible requital.
Then the King of might shall come to that meeting
With the greatest of hosts; loud shall be heard
The terror of men 'mid the tumult of heaven,
The wailing of them that weep. The lost shall lament
Before the face of the Eternal Judge,
Those who rely but little on their works.
To many shall be manifest more of terror
Than ever was known from the world's creation.
To every sinner in that sudden hour
It shall be dearer far than all this fleeting world
That he may have shelter in that happy band
When the Lord of hosts, the Prince of princes,
Shall judge unto all, the loved and the loathed,
Unto every one a just reward.
Dire is our need ere that day of terror
That we think of the soul's beauty in this barren time.
Now is it most like as if on ocean
Across cold water we sail in our keels,
Over the wide sea in our ocean-steeds,
Faring on in our flood-wood. Fearful the stream,
The tumult of waters, whereon we toss
In this feeble world. Fierce are the surges
On the ocean lanes. Hard was our life
Before we made harbour o'er the foaming seas.
Then help was vouchsafed us when God's Spirit-Son
Guided us to the harbour of salvation and granted us grace
That we may understand over the ship's side
Where to moor our sea-steeds, our ocean-stallions,
Fast at anchor. Let us fix our hope
Upon that haven which the Lord of heaven,
In holiness on high, has opened by His Ascension.
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