Here, Muse, crave licence for a maine digresse
He re, Muse craue licence for a maine digresse
Of those that shal thine Ambages survay;
Sith Policie compels thee to transgresse
The Rules of Order , her pow'r to display;
She (most importunate) wil haue no nay,
But thou must from thy proiect long desist
To blazon her high vertue by the way,
That sense may see wherein shee doth consist
Wherein (being much ) thou must the more insist
But what I shall in this behalfe insert
Through my no skill and lesse experiment ,
Comes from a Muse that can but speake of part ,
Much lesse hath skill to teach al government ;
Or if shee had, shee were too insolent
So to presume; sith Reason hath bin strain'd
To highest reach for Rules of Regiment
Sufficeth me to touch it as constrain'd
By that I handle; els, would haue refrain'd
Nor wil I iustifie all rules for right,
That Policie approveth for direct;
God , and Man's wisedome are repugnant quite;
Man's wisedome holdes for good a good effect
Caused by ill , which God's doth stil reiect:
And to-doe all that Policie doth will
Must needes the soule with mortal Sores infect;
Heare, what shee wils, then iudge, if well or ill ,
And vse or els refuse it, as yee will
Whose powre if it with puissance be conioin'd
Controules al powres , saue hellish or divine ;
It glues together states , that Warres vnioin'd
And severs those that Concord did combine:
It makes or marres , disposing Mine and Thine:
On Sou'raignes' heads it makes Crownes close to fit
That sooner shal their heads then Crownes decline;
It makes Will law, when Wit thinkes Law vnfit,
Yet wils that Law should lincke with Will and wit
It tels the Statesman sitting at the Sterne ,
(Embozom'd by his sov'raigne ) he must be
Carefull the humor of his Lige to learne,
And so apply himselfe thereto, that hee
May neither crosse nor with it stil agree:
Like Sol that with nor gainst the Heaven goes,
But runnes ascue, by whose obliquitie ,
Each thing on Earth's conserv'd, and gayly groes;
So Councellors their councels shoulde dispose.
And as the Moone reflects her borrowed light
Vnto the Sunne , that but lent her the same:
So statesmen should reflect (how ere vnright)
Their wel-deservings, and their brightest fame
Vnto their Liege , as though from him it came
For Princes may put shame of their oresights
Vpon their servants , who must beare the blame
Applying praises of those men's foresights
Vnto themselues, as if they were their rights.
Great Subiects must beware of subiects' loue,
And Sov'raigne's hate; the first oft breeds the last ,
Kings wil their Brethren hate, if not reproue
For being too wel belov'd, who often tast
The evil speede that growes from that loue's hast;
Which makes great subiects (in great policie)
That would of King and subiect be embrac'd)
To mix their vertue's deeds with villany ,
T'avoide the plague of Popularitie .
With submisse voice it tels the Soveraigne ,
Severity makes weake Authoritie ,
If that too oft the Subiects it sustaine;
And smal faults punisht with great cruelty
Makes Feare and Hate desp'rate rebell'ouslie
For, death of Patients Emprickes lesse defame
Then Executions oft doe Sov'raignty ,
And all that haue delighted in the same
Haue hate incurr'd, and often death with shame .
For Policie can hardly wel prevent
The purpose of true Hate made obstinate
With ceaslesse plagues , and extreame punishment
For, when the weakest hand is desperate
It may confound a Caesar so a state .
Who death desires, is Lord of other's life:
He feares not hell that would be reprobate:
A calme Authoritie represseth strife ,
When much severitie makes Rebels rife.
It 's the least freedome Subiects can demaund
To haue but liberty to hold their peace;
Who keepe their errors close from being scand
Doe hurt none but themselves, in warre or peace :
If Freedome true Obedience release
It will containe it selfe in liberty ,
And Lenity Subiection doth encrease
Where strife desires publike tranquillity,
And still agrees t' obey Auctoritie
Policy prompts the Prince , with voice scarse heard,
If any Subiects be growne over great,
By death their grandure must of force be barr'd;
But if by Lawe they cannot doe that feate,
Without the shaking of their State and Seate ,
It must be done without Law by some Chance
That soddainly must fall (ere blood doe heate)
So shall their Throne be stablisht, (witnesse France )
And subiect onely to divine vengeance
For it is sel'd, or rather never seene
That peace and powrfull men doe dwell togeather;
And ten times blessed is that King or Queene
Who make their Nobles live and loue each other;
Lyve like themselves, & like themselves love either:
This were the Quintenssens of Policie ,
And witte, that 's seld derived from the Mother ,
Which rather can be wisht then taught, for whie?
No pow'r from will can take will's libertie
A King may from his high erected Throne
With Eagle's Eyes (for Kings such Eies should have)
Behold the Members of the State alone,
And what the humors are which them deprave;
So may he purge the partes the Whole to saue:
But to attone the wills perverst by pow'r ,
As easie wer't the Ocian drie to lave;
Pow'r may constraine, but Will may choose t'endure,
And they that wil be sicke, no skill can cure.
Great Minds like Horses that wil easly reare,
Are easli'st ruled with a gentle Bitt ,
And rev'rence Princes should not gaine with feare,
Nor Love with Lowlinesse , for State vnfitt,
For none of both with policy doth sitt:
This skill is very difficult, because
Vertues of diff'rent kindes must kindly knitt
Their powres in one, which Witt togeather drawes
And guards the Prince , no lesse then Guards or Laws
The Empire's Maiestie her state sustaines;
The Prince thereby security enioyes,
Free from Rebellion's reach (that State disdaines)
And from contempt of Rule , that State annoies
Ingendring all misrule that state destroies:
The Scepter and the nuptial Bedd detests
To be devided, or to share their ioyes;
Yet Sou'rainty in extreame perill rests
Of partnershippe , when it Contempt disgests
Empires are Fortune's Obiects and Tyme's Subiects
Envy and Empire be inseparate,
Fortune doth often Monarches make of Abiects
And Envy Monarchy doth quite abate,
If it assisted be with vulgar hate:
For Monarches finde no meane betwixt the Ground
And the extreamest topp of their estate;
But if they fal, the fall doth them confound:
Therefore let them be sure of footing sound.
Three things (saith Policy ) doe stablish Rule ,
That it be Constant, Severe , and Restraind ,
Constant : for innovation breeds misrule:
Severe , for oft by Lenity vnfain'd
Nought but Contempt (orethrow of Rule ) is gain'd:
Impunity breeds lawlesse Libertie ,
For hope of scape (when Iustice is but fain'd)
Drawes on bold Vice to doe al villany
Vnder the Nose of mild Auctority .
For who is aw'd by him, whose Sword doth lie
Fast sheath'd with rust, that it wil not come out?
Who by remisnesse , not by clemencie
Makes th' edge of his pow'r (dull'd) to turne about:
This King the Commons wil command and flout
Who are contain'd with feare and not with shame
And nere abstaine from Riot or from Rout
For badnesse of them, but for feare of blame
And punishment inflicted for the same.
Thirdly, Authoritie should be restrain'd ,
(As erst was said) and is as much to saie,
That the chiefe strength from Kings shoulde still bee drain'd,
And stay with them, to be to them a stay ,
Lest Treason should their trust and them betray:
They may dissolue the force of Emperie ,
When they make Kings of those that should obay;
For Slaues endu'd with Kings' authoritie
Make Kings but slaues , through Kings' infirmity.
Yet Policie doth not forbid the Prince
To honor Subiects high, of high desert
With highest honor of Obedience ,
And though obeying, rule an ample part:
So be 't the honor which they thus imparte
Bee short and sweete , chiefly Lieuetenancie ,
For it, if long, with pride affectes the Hart ,
Which makes the same affect sole Monarchie ,
So put the King and state in ieobardie
For Men are Men how ever Angell -like;
The highest Angels were ambitious:
It 's death to ample fortunes , Saile to strike;
Nay Death to them is farre lesse dolorous:
" For use of Rule makes mindes imperious.
Great Persons haue great Passions: state is stiffe ,
Vnapt to bow, how ever curtuous:
And when great Sp'rits haue tasted but a whiffe
Of praise for rule, they (drunke) would rule in chiefe.
For as the Man orecome with powrefull wine
(Although a Beggar cloathed like a king )
When some in mock'ry made him halfe divine
With Lauds , and Legs , stil rising and bowing,
Perswaded was, he was no other thing:
So Sp'rites that are made druncke with vulgar praise
For their dexteritie in governing,
Doe weene all true that vulgar vapor saies,
And thinke themselues alone the rest should raise.
When too great subiectes doe too well agree,
Suspitious Policie them out doth set:
For like as stones which in firme Arches bee
Would fall, but that they one another let,
By meanes whereof the Arch more strength doth get:
So fares it with a state or Monarchie ,
Whose perill might (perhaps) be over-great
By ore-much concorde of the over-hie;
Then ods twixt them still mainetaines vnity .
But among other rules of policie
That are vnruly (if by that rule squar'd
That al should rule) It sov'raignes learnes to ly,
Dissemble, and deceaue; if it regard
The common good of them they ought to guard:
But to doe ill , that good thereof may come,
By better Rules and more assur'd, is bard;
Then how it should a sou'raign's state become
To ly at all, to this I answere mum .
But this I say from those that wel did trie
What tis to rule , and ruling long to raigne
If Kings make conscience of a little lie,
When it may good the state and Soveraigne ,
Ill may ensue, that good so to refraine:
Yet when wee knowe all harts are in his hands,
That harts and all doth rule and sole sustaine,
We muse at Policie's so crosse commaunds
When as we know, all by the other stands.
We haue two eies , two eares , and but one Tongue
Which with the teeth and lippes is eake inclos'd,
And is the senses' Organs plac'd among
Eies, Eares , and Nose , by Nature so dispos'd
That nothing by the Tongue should be disclos'd,
Before it hath tane councell of each sense ,
That are to falshoode evermore oppos'd,
Lest they should misinforme th' Intelligence .
Which haynously procures the Soule's offence.
Excellent talke becommeth not a foole ,
Nor lying lips the King , so saith that Prince
That rul'd in peace , and did his enemies coole
With truth and equity ; but that 's long since,
And twixt the times there may be difference:
Yet if we may not for God's glory ly,
Much lesse for matters of lesse consequence:
Kings should be Patterns of all pietie ,
Which doth consist in truth and equitie
But pious Augustine (canonized
For piety) saith there are certaine lies
Whereof no great offence is borne or bred ,
Yet are not faultlesse; in which leasings lies
That lie , which Kings for common good devise:
Hence may we see, how much deprav'd we are,
When Kings sometimes must faine and temporise
For their estate and common-wealthe's welfare,
Which would fare ill, if they should it forbeare
Who note withall, It breedeth small regard
To bee too lavish of their presence , when
Among the commons it might well be spar'd;
For Maiesti's like Deity in Men ,
When wee it see, as farre as wee can ken:
Yet policie (the proppe of waightie States )
Would haue them present with all now and then.
As well to comforte, as to cease debates,
Both which their harts to true loue captivates.
It tels them other Documents among,
That who so bridles their felicitie
Shall better governe it, and hold it long;
For Temp'raunce ioined with Authoritie
Makes it resemble sacred Deitie ,
It bids them loue the learned with effect ,
Who can with lines their liues historifie
That ay shall last, and their renownes erect
As high as Heav'n , maugre humane defect .
And here I cannot wonder (though I would)
Sufficiently at these guilt times of ours,
Wherein great Men are so to money sold,
That Iupiter himselfe in golden Showres
Wil basely stand, to gather while it powres
Mars scornes Minerva, gibes at Mercury ,
He better likes Venerian Paramoures:
Greatnesse regards not Prose , or Poesie ,
But weenes an Angell hath more Maiesty.
Artes perish, wanting praise and due support ,
And when want swaies the Senses' Common-weale ,
Witt's vitall faculties wax al amort:
The Minde , constrain'd the Bodie's want to feele
Makes Salves of Earth the Bodie's hurt to heale,
Which doe the Mind bemire with thoughts vnfitt;
Hence come those dull Conceipts sharp witts reveale,
Which nice Eares deeme to come from want of witt ,
When want of wealth (indeede) is cause of it.
How many Poets , like Anatomies ,
(As leane as Death for lacke of sustenance )
Complaine (poore Staruelings ) in sadd Elegies
Of those whom Learning onely did advaunce,
That of their wants haue no considerance.
What Guift to Greatnesse can lesse welcome be
Then Poems , though by Homer pend perchaunce?
It lookes on them as if it could not see,
Or from them as from Snakes away wil flee.
What's this to me (thinkes he) I did not this?
How then to me should praise thereof pertaine?
Thou hitt'st the Marke (deere Sir) and yet dost misse;
For, though no praise for penning it thou gaine,
Yet praise thou gett'st, if thou that Pen sustaine,
That can eternize thee in Deathe's despight
And through it selfe thy grossest humors straine
So make them pure (at least most pure in sight)
Which to Posterity may be a light .
In common policy, great Lords should give,
That so, they may (though great) much more receaue:
The more like God , the more they doe relive;
And, the more Writers they aloft doe heave,
The more renowne they to their Race doe leaue:
For, with a droppe of ynke their Penns haue pow'r
Life to restore (being lost) or life bereave,
Who can devour Time that doth all devoure,
And goe beyonde Tyme , in lesse than an how'r .
Where had Achilles fame bin longe ere this
Had not blind Homer made it see the way
(In Parcha's spight) to all eternitie?
It had with him (long since) bin clos'd in Clay .
Where had Æneas ' name found place of stay,
Had Virgill's verse of it no mention made?
It had ere this bin drown'd in deepe decay:
For, without memory, Names needes must vade;
And memory is ay the Muses ' Trade.
But how can these Daughters of Memory
Remember those of whom they are dispis'd?
They are not Stocks that feele no iniurie ,
But sprightly, quicke, and wondrous wel adviz'd;
Who, though with loose Lines they are oft disguis'd
Yet when they list, they make immortal lynes ,
And, who soere by those lines are surpriz'd,
Are made eternal, they , and their Assignes ,
Or wel, or ill, as Poesy defines.
Leaue we to vrge poore Poets iust complaint
(Sith they are deafe that should redresse the same)
That Policy we may yet better paint,
And consecrate more lines vnto her name ,
That learnes our Pen her landes by lines to frame
Shee would that Government should never dy,
Which is the Rodd of Circes , which doth tame
Both Man , and Beast , (if ledd by Policy )
And tends to perfect Man's Societie.
Shee teacheth Kinges to giue and take no wrong ,
One gettes Revenge, Contempt the other gaines
All gainfull Leagues she would haue lengthn'd long
And not to warre vntill iust cause constraines;
For, Iustice prospers Warres and Thrones sustaines:
No Secrets , nor no publike governments
To Clawbacks , or to those that scrach for gaines ,
Shee would have shar'd; for badd are all their bents,
And evermore doe ruyne governments .
In such is neither truth to God , or King:
Therefore shee would have such aloofe to stand,
As farre (at least) as a bent brow can fling
Them from the Sov'raigne or a straight command:
These bitter baneful weeds doe spil the Land
But to the tried trusty , she would haue
The Sov'raigne's favoure constantlie to stand;
For, with their losse they seeke the whole to saue,
To whome , like Fathers , they themselues behaue.
Shee tells the Kinge that Treason gathers strength
Extreamly in his weakenesse , and requires
That it be cut short ere it gathers length,
And level that , that out of course aspires:
Shee chargeth Kinges to quench their vaine desires
Of vaine expence , without the Commons' charge,
Lest it enflame Rebellion's quenchlesse fires,
Which oft, such large expence doth much inlarge;
Who, oft the same vpon the King discharge.
Shee wils that holsome Lawes should be ordain'd,
Bereaving Kings of pow'r t'infringe the same:
For, if their Crownes are by the Lawes sustain'd,
They should not breake the Props , lest al the Frame
Should fal, to their confusion and shame:
That , of Reteyners shee would haue obseru'd,
Else most Ignobles , in a Noble's name,
Wil let Lawe's course, which should be safe reseru'd,
And wrack the Poore which law would haue conserv'd.
And as the Law should governe Maiestrates ,
So should the Maiestrates the People sway
The Governours are living Lawes in States:
And a dumbe Maiestrate the Lawe is ay.
As Bodies, Reason and the Soule obay;
So States should Law and Maiestrates by right;
For, Law is Reason , keeping all in Ray,
By which the wise themselues doe guide aright;
And Vulgares have it from Law-giver's light.
She bidds the Sou'raigne take heede how he heares,
Much lesse embrace th' advice of selfe Conceipt:
For, such Conceipt hath neither Eyes , nor Eares ,
To heare, or see another , but doth waite
Vpon her selfe, admiring her owne height.
In cases doubtfull it is dangerous
T' admitte light Councells; for, for want of weight
T'wil make the case to be more ponderous
The whilst such Councells prove Aireous .
For it's oft seene that Publike Policie
Occurrs with matters of such consequence,
Wherein there is such depth of Misterie
That it wil blunt the sharpest Senses ' sence
Of the acut'st, and swift'st Intelligence ,
Ne shall Deliberation be assur'd
Of their effect , vntill their evidence
Tyme doth produce, or triall hath procur'd,
Wherein rash Iudgment must not be endur'd.
The heav'nlyest Hav'ns , m'haue Hellish entries:
Therefore, wise Pilots keepe them in the Maine .
And rather brooke rough Tempests ' miseries,
Then by vnknowen perrils rest to gaine:
They shunne the flats by their experience plaine;
For, in all perils such experience
Must guide the course , els perillous is paine ,
Nay, death may follow double diligence
Not set on worke by single Sapience .
Experience is the guide of Policie ,
Whose nere-deceaved eie sees all in all;
Shee can make light the darkest mistery
Then, her at all assaies to councell call,
Especially in matters mysticall:
Realmes haue a world of crannies , where doe lurke
Ten thousand mysteries from view of eie ,
Which nerethelesse vncessantly doe worke,
And often giue the state a deadly Iurke .
Shee would haue Kings to haue such Councellors
That might be learn'd in state -Philosophies;
For Kingdomes govern'd by Philosophers
No Constellations feare, nor Destinies
They know what should the Soveraigne suffice
And what the Subiect , bending al their might
T' accomplish both their long felicities
By seeing that each one may haue his right
Preventing forraine , and domesticke spight.
As when a Shippe , that liues vpon the Downes
Of Neptune (mightie Monarch of those Plaines )
Is neere at point to perish (if hee frownes,)
Without a sterne and one that it sustaines:
(For maine is perill els vpon those Maines )
So fares that state that hath nor Lordes nor Lawes ,
Wherewith the Liege the State from ruine raines
In stormes of troubles , and Contention's flawes,
Wherein wise Councels calme effectes doe cause .
They are the Watch-men that stand Sentinell
T'examine all that may impeach the state ,
They make the Common-wealth a Paralell
To that of Rome when shee was fortunate,
And Caesar make of a meane Magistrate:
Who Baracado vp with Lawe's strong Barres
All that lies ope for Vice to ruinate,
And stoppe the Passages of Civill Warres
With martiall law , which Male-contents deterres.
Nor neede the Statesman gage Philosophie
Deeper, then well to know how well to liue
In Peace , and Wealth , (this worlde's felicitie)
And Rules of Life , to that effect to giue;
They diue too deepe, if they doe deeper diue:
What is the knowledge of the Transcendents
To him that learnes men onlie how to thriue?
Though he nere red such wilde Artes Rudiments,
Hee's fitter farre for civill governments .
The Mathematickes , and the Metaphysickes ,
Haue no necessitie in government;
But Ethickes, Politickes , and Oeconomicks ,
These to good Governours are incident,
Where morrall vertue sitteth President:
To bee well red in all good Historie
(Which makes the sp'rite much more intelligent)
Doth stand with state and perfit policie,
And maketh dexterous Authoritie .
The boundes of knowledge are the highest spheares ,
For, all is knowne in their circumference;
And what soere this Nurse of Earthlings beares
Is subiect to humane intelligence:
Then knowledge is vnknowne by consequence:
In which respect Men doe their wits apply
To this or that Arte with all diligence,
Vnable to know al Philosophie ,
Because it stands not with mortality .
In all things (as it's sedd) are three degrees ,
To weet, Greate, Small , and the Indifferent:
And that which doth participate of these
Is in perfection held most excellent,
Which is the Councellor in government:
For, hee twixt Prince and People beeing plac'd,
Best sees what is for both convenient;
And for his vertue , is of both embrac'd;
For vertue from the midst is nere displac'd.
If any one supply that vertuous place
And is not vertuous, he a Monster is;
For, in the midst can nothing sit that's base,
Sith Vertue there (as in her Heav'n of blisse)
Her selfe enthrones to all eternities .
Physitions ' labour aimes at nought but health;
Sailors', good passage; Captaines', victories,
So Councellors' should for the Common-wealth ,
Which iustly to her limbes her dowry dealth.
He had neede be more then honest , yea much more
Then vertuous (that is, vertuous past compare)
Who when his King's with-drawn, may ope the dore
And in a Closet diue into his eare ,
To put into his Head how all things are:
This if ill Sp'rits perceiue, and hee will bee
Corrupted with pure gold, or what soere,
Some Fiend will say, all this wil I giue thee
(Shewing him Worldes ) if thou wilt honor mee.
Then how behouefull tis for Kinge and state ,
To make such Minnions (if he must haue such )
That in their Soules corruption deadly hate,
And having much , desire not overmuch;
But to finde such an one , were more then much
For to be neere , and deere vnto a Kinge ,
Fils hart with pride , and pride doth empt the pouch
Then for supply (sowre sweete ) a sweete-sowre thing
(Which may the Sov'raign wrest, the subiect wring)
Call'd Lieges-loue abus'd, the same must bring.
But where shall Princes then, bestow their loue
(Sith loue they must, and ought, where it is due?)
On any one that still his grace wil moue
For Common-good , and private doth ensure
But for that good ; This Minion in a Mew
Had neede be kept; for, if he flie abrode
Divels -incarnate will him still pursue
Till they haue made a Divell of a God ,
Or if hee scape, tis with temptation's Iode.
An Hart that's truely humbled and is dead
(For loue of Heav'n ) to all the earth holds deere
Yet serpent's wisedome hath, in his doue's head,
And from all spots of pride is purged cleere,
And stil would fast to make the rest good-cheere:
This were a Minion for a God , or King ,
Worthy to weld the World , and who drawes neere
In nature to this Man , or divine Thing ,
A Prince should vse, with all deere cherishing.
For, Vertue onely makes good Councellors ,
Who in great wisedome hold the State vpright,
No Halles orehang'd with Armes of Ancestors
Haue in their right creation any might;
But if they haue them too, they are most right:
Yet Vertue found not Tully nobly borne,
But made him Noble by his wisedome's weight;
" Vertue respests not fortune, nor dith scorne
" To dwell with those whose fortunes are forlorne.
Kinges come from slaues , and slaues from Kings descend:
Bloud's but the water wat ring Fleshe's dust;
Which by its nature ever doth descend,
And makes fraile Flesh to fall to things vniust:
For, tis but Blood in the vniust and iust:
And al alike it is in high and lowe;
Not halfe so ful of life , as ful of lust ,
Making vs rather abiect , then to growe
To high accoumpt , for ought that from it flowes.
Yet some times evil men make Rulers good,
As good Musitions , oft in life are badd;
These last make discoras ioyne in pleasant moode ,
The first the like in Common-weales have made:
So either may be vertuous in his Trade ,
How ever vitious in their lives they are:
But Policy the Prince doth still disswade
From making such too great, for they wil pare
The Prince and polle the Commons without care.
For Slaves (though Kinges ) in disposition
Are most vnmeete to manage Kingdomes ' states;
And so are Men of base condition
Vnfitt to make inferior Maiestrates:
The Floures of Crownes fitt not Mechanick Pates,
No more then costly plumes doe Asses heads;
They are call'd Crafts-men, quasi craftie mates ,
Let these rule such (if they must governe needes)
For they at best are nought but holsome weedes
But some as voide of honestie as Arte ,
Advance themselues by wealth (the Nurse of Vice )
And with good gifts supply want of desert ;
Good-giftes , that Givers of Commands entice
To part with them though they be nere so nice:
These (seing wealth hath giv'n them Vertue's meede)
Doe make port-sale of Vertue , and Iustice
T' enrich themselues to clymbe thereby with speed;
From whence the wracks of Common-weales proceed.
Did they but good themselues by some men's harme
It might be borne, although it heavy were:
But they hereby make all themselues to arme
With gold , that seeke authoritie to beare,
Because they see it 's gotten by such geare .
When Vertue's thus neglected and dispis'd,
Then Vice perforce doth in her place appeare;
And where dam'd Vice hath Vertue's place surpris'd
A Common-woe , with Common-wealth's disguis'd.
That must be deerely sold that 's deerely bought;
And whereas Iudgments thus are bought and sold
There, by iust Iudgment al goes stil to nought:
Yet Iustice and iust Iudgments States vphold,
Whose want wrappes them in mis'rics manifold.
The Iudgments of that Iust orewhelme that Land
That armes Oppression (gainst the Lawes ) with Gold ,
For where it 's so, there Will for Law must stand
And Law goes with Confusion hand in hand.
Intelligence (supreme pow'r of the Soule )
Wherein alone w'are like the Deity ,
Is that alone which makes vs meete to rule;
For Nature's lawes, and Reas'n's authority
Requires that such should haue high'st dignity,
That by their vertue , and their high estate .
They might conserve men in prosperity:
For right it is they should be rais'd to State ,
That make the state of all most fortunate.
For Honor is high Vertue's sole Reward
For which all vertuous Men all paine endure:
If then such men from Honor should be barr'd,
All to be vicious it would soone procure;
For Vice doth raigne where Vertue hath no pow'r:
Where Honors are bestow'd without respect
On good and badd, as cloudes bestowe their shower ,
There must of force ensue but badd effect,
For who 'l be good, if Grace the good neglect?
In ancient Common-weales they wonted were
Statues of mettall, Arches triumphal,
With Publike Sepulture , and praises cleere,
These, and such like, they did bestow on all
That to their Common-weales were as a Wall .
For they that watch whilst others sound doe sleepe
To stay the State , that else perhapps might fall,
And laboure stil the Lambes from Wolves to keepe;
Such Shepherds should be honor'd of the Sheepe .
For to give Rule to none but Midasses
Is ev'n as if a Shippe were rendered
In greatest Tempests and Winde's outrages,
To richest Marchants to be governed,
Not to the skillful'st to be mastered:
Whereof ensues the wracke of shippe and freight
From which in Stormes it is delivered
By skilful Pilotts which haue gott the sleight
By their experience to direct her right.
Themistocles is iustly famoused,
For that by Valor and great Policie
He did reduce th' Athenians beastly bredd
To live by Lawes in great civility;
But Solon's prais'd more meritoriously,
Who finding Athens at the point to fall
With shocke of Civill warre , he readily
Did staie the same, and reestablish't all
The Lawes & Maiestrats driv'n to the wall .
Nor did Camillus that repulst the Galls
And Rome preserved from their furie's flame
Deserve lesse, (if not more) memorialls
Then the two Brethren that first built the same:
Nor yet can Caesar's or great Pompeie's fame
(Though they Rome's Empire stretcht from East to West )
Be so renowmed, as his glorious name
That found it neere by Haniball possest,
Yet rescu'd it, and gaue it roome and rest .
Then Rule should not be given to the rich ,
If with their wealth they were but fooles vniust:
The Common-wealth would private be to such
For they would rule by Lawes squar'd by their lust ,
And for their gaine stil buy and sell the Iust
Wisedome and Iustice , with wealth competent
Should be in Rulers such the Prince might trust
With greatest charge (next them) in government
For each will rule as Vertue's President.
For how is't possible men should perswade
Others to vertue and to keepe the Lawes ,
If they them-selues them-selues there from disswade
And by their lewdnesse , others' lewdnesse cause?
" A Ruler's Vice to vice the people drawes:
Sylla might wel be laught to scorne, when hee
Perswaded Temperance to all ; because
He liv'd himselfe (none more) licenciouslee,
For none lesse loved mediocritee
Lisander was no lesse to blame, for hee
Allow'd those Vices in the Multitude ,
From which himselfe refrain'd religiouslee:
For if by Princes vices bee alowd,
It is al one as if they vice ensude
But iust Licurgus nere did ought forbid,
But by himselfe the same should be eschude
Whose subiects did no more then himself did,
Such Legislators should bee deifide
Such Prince or Priest , such people , saith the Saw
Examples more then Lawes make men liue wel:
Doe Priests liue so? their liues like Loadstones draw
The people to the same: And doe compel
Sans-force t' obedience such as would rebel:
Then weigh what good or ill your liues doe cause
Ye Prophets Sonnes, that should in grace excel;
Is your life it? it's double ill, because
It hurts your selues , and to vice others drawes
And where Vice raignes, Rebellion oft doth rule
That diss-vnites the best vnited state
Which growes from Governors ' vice or mis-rule
That makes the Commons (with no common hate )
Watch al advantage , to abridge their date
The forraine Foe , then findes domesticke aide ,
Aide that assists all that wil innovate ,
So by their Subiects Sov'raignes are betraide,
When their mis-rule makes them be disobaide.
Of those that shal thine Ambages survay;
Sith Policie compels thee to transgresse
The Rules of Order , her pow'r to display;
She (most importunate) wil haue no nay,
But thou must from thy proiect long desist
To blazon her high vertue by the way,
That sense may see wherein shee doth consist
Wherein (being much ) thou must the more insist
But what I shall in this behalfe insert
Through my no skill and lesse experiment ,
Comes from a Muse that can but speake of part ,
Much lesse hath skill to teach al government ;
Or if shee had, shee were too insolent
So to presume; sith Reason hath bin strain'd
To highest reach for Rules of Regiment
Sufficeth me to touch it as constrain'd
By that I handle; els, would haue refrain'd
Nor wil I iustifie all rules for right,
That Policie approveth for direct;
God , and Man's wisedome are repugnant quite;
Man's wisedome holdes for good a good effect
Caused by ill , which God's doth stil reiect:
And to-doe all that Policie doth will
Must needes the soule with mortal Sores infect;
Heare, what shee wils, then iudge, if well or ill ,
And vse or els refuse it, as yee will
Whose powre if it with puissance be conioin'd
Controules al powres , saue hellish or divine ;
It glues together states , that Warres vnioin'd
And severs those that Concord did combine:
It makes or marres , disposing Mine and Thine:
On Sou'raignes' heads it makes Crownes close to fit
That sooner shal their heads then Crownes decline;
It makes Will law, when Wit thinkes Law vnfit,
Yet wils that Law should lincke with Will and wit
It tels the Statesman sitting at the Sterne ,
(Embozom'd by his sov'raigne ) he must be
Carefull the humor of his Lige to learne,
And so apply himselfe thereto, that hee
May neither crosse nor with it stil agree:
Like Sol that with nor gainst the Heaven goes,
But runnes ascue, by whose obliquitie ,
Each thing on Earth's conserv'd, and gayly groes;
So Councellors their councels shoulde dispose.
And as the Moone reflects her borrowed light
Vnto the Sunne , that but lent her the same:
So statesmen should reflect (how ere vnright)
Their wel-deservings, and their brightest fame
Vnto their Liege , as though from him it came
For Princes may put shame of their oresights
Vpon their servants , who must beare the blame
Applying praises of those men's foresights
Vnto themselues, as if they were their rights.
Great Subiects must beware of subiects' loue,
And Sov'raigne's hate; the first oft breeds the last ,
Kings wil their Brethren hate, if not reproue
For being too wel belov'd, who often tast
The evil speede that growes from that loue's hast;
Which makes great subiects (in great policie)
That would of King and subiect be embrac'd)
To mix their vertue's deeds with villany ,
T'avoide the plague of Popularitie .
With submisse voice it tels the Soveraigne ,
Severity makes weake Authoritie ,
If that too oft the Subiects it sustaine;
And smal faults punisht with great cruelty
Makes Feare and Hate desp'rate rebell'ouslie
For, death of Patients Emprickes lesse defame
Then Executions oft doe Sov'raignty ,
And all that haue delighted in the same
Haue hate incurr'd, and often death with shame .
For Policie can hardly wel prevent
The purpose of true Hate made obstinate
With ceaslesse plagues , and extreame punishment
For, when the weakest hand is desperate
It may confound a Caesar so a state .
Who death desires, is Lord of other's life:
He feares not hell that would be reprobate:
A calme Authoritie represseth strife ,
When much severitie makes Rebels rife.
It 's the least freedome Subiects can demaund
To haue but liberty to hold their peace;
Who keepe their errors close from being scand
Doe hurt none but themselves, in warre or peace :
If Freedome true Obedience release
It will containe it selfe in liberty ,
And Lenity Subiection doth encrease
Where strife desires publike tranquillity,
And still agrees t' obey Auctoritie
Policy prompts the Prince , with voice scarse heard,
If any Subiects be growne over great,
By death their grandure must of force be barr'd;
But if by Lawe they cannot doe that feate,
Without the shaking of their State and Seate ,
It must be done without Law by some Chance
That soddainly must fall (ere blood doe heate)
So shall their Throne be stablisht, (witnesse France )
And subiect onely to divine vengeance
For it is sel'd, or rather never seene
That peace and powrfull men doe dwell togeather;
And ten times blessed is that King or Queene
Who make their Nobles live and loue each other;
Lyve like themselves, & like themselves love either:
This were the Quintenssens of Policie ,
And witte, that 's seld derived from the Mother ,
Which rather can be wisht then taught, for whie?
No pow'r from will can take will's libertie
A King may from his high erected Throne
With Eagle's Eyes (for Kings such Eies should have)
Behold the Members of the State alone,
And what the humors are which them deprave;
So may he purge the partes the Whole to saue:
But to attone the wills perverst by pow'r ,
As easie wer't the Ocian drie to lave;
Pow'r may constraine, but Will may choose t'endure,
And they that wil be sicke, no skill can cure.
Great Minds like Horses that wil easly reare,
Are easli'st ruled with a gentle Bitt ,
And rev'rence Princes should not gaine with feare,
Nor Love with Lowlinesse , for State vnfitt,
For none of both with policy doth sitt:
This skill is very difficult, because
Vertues of diff'rent kindes must kindly knitt
Their powres in one, which Witt togeather drawes
And guards the Prince , no lesse then Guards or Laws
The Empire's Maiestie her state sustaines;
The Prince thereby security enioyes,
Free from Rebellion's reach (that State disdaines)
And from contempt of Rule , that State annoies
Ingendring all misrule that state destroies:
The Scepter and the nuptial Bedd detests
To be devided, or to share their ioyes;
Yet Sou'rainty in extreame perill rests
Of partnershippe , when it Contempt disgests
Empires are Fortune's Obiects and Tyme's Subiects
Envy and Empire be inseparate,
Fortune doth often Monarches make of Abiects
And Envy Monarchy doth quite abate,
If it assisted be with vulgar hate:
For Monarches finde no meane betwixt the Ground
And the extreamest topp of their estate;
But if they fal, the fall doth them confound:
Therefore let them be sure of footing sound.
Three things (saith Policy ) doe stablish Rule ,
That it be Constant, Severe , and Restraind ,
Constant : for innovation breeds misrule:
Severe , for oft by Lenity vnfain'd
Nought but Contempt (orethrow of Rule ) is gain'd:
Impunity breeds lawlesse Libertie ,
For hope of scape (when Iustice is but fain'd)
Drawes on bold Vice to doe al villany
Vnder the Nose of mild Auctority .
For who is aw'd by him, whose Sword doth lie
Fast sheath'd with rust, that it wil not come out?
Who by remisnesse , not by clemencie
Makes th' edge of his pow'r (dull'd) to turne about:
This King the Commons wil command and flout
Who are contain'd with feare and not with shame
And nere abstaine from Riot or from Rout
For badnesse of them, but for feare of blame
And punishment inflicted for the same.
Thirdly, Authoritie should be restrain'd ,
(As erst was said) and is as much to saie,
That the chiefe strength from Kings shoulde still bee drain'd,
And stay with them, to be to them a stay ,
Lest Treason should their trust and them betray:
They may dissolue the force of Emperie ,
When they make Kings of those that should obay;
For Slaues endu'd with Kings' authoritie
Make Kings but slaues , through Kings' infirmity.
Yet Policie doth not forbid the Prince
To honor Subiects high, of high desert
With highest honor of Obedience ,
And though obeying, rule an ample part:
So be 't the honor which they thus imparte
Bee short and sweete , chiefly Lieuetenancie ,
For it, if long, with pride affectes the Hart ,
Which makes the same affect sole Monarchie ,
So put the King and state in ieobardie
For Men are Men how ever Angell -like;
The highest Angels were ambitious:
It 's death to ample fortunes , Saile to strike;
Nay Death to them is farre lesse dolorous:
" For use of Rule makes mindes imperious.
Great Persons haue great Passions: state is stiffe ,
Vnapt to bow, how ever curtuous:
And when great Sp'rits haue tasted but a whiffe
Of praise for rule, they (drunke) would rule in chiefe.
For as the Man orecome with powrefull wine
(Although a Beggar cloathed like a king )
When some in mock'ry made him halfe divine
With Lauds , and Legs , stil rising and bowing,
Perswaded was, he was no other thing:
So Sp'rites that are made druncke with vulgar praise
For their dexteritie in governing,
Doe weene all true that vulgar vapor saies,
And thinke themselues alone the rest should raise.
When too great subiectes doe too well agree,
Suspitious Policie them out doth set:
For like as stones which in firme Arches bee
Would fall, but that they one another let,
By meanes whereof the Arch more strength doth get:
So fares it with a state or Monarchie ,
Whose perill might (perhaps) be over-great
By ore-much concorde of the over-hie;
Then ods twixt them still mainetaines vnity .
But among other rules of policie
That are vnruly (if by that rule squar'd
That al should rule) It sov'raignes learnes to ly,
Dissemble, and deceaue; if it regard
The common good of them they ought to guard:
But to doe ill , that good thereof may come,
By better Rules and more assur'd, is bard;
Then how it should a sou'raign's state become
To ly at all, to this I answere mum .
But this I say from those that wel did trie
What tis to rule , and ruling long to raigne
If Kings make conscience of a little lie,
When it may good the state and Soveraigne ,
Ill may ensue, that good so to refraine:
Yet when wee knowe all harts are in his hands,
That harts and all doth rule and sole sustaine,
We muse at Policie's so crosse commaunds
When as we know, all by the other stands.
We haue two eies , two eares , and but one Tongue
Which with the teeth and lippes is eake inclos'd,
And is the senses' Organs plac'd among
Eies, Eares , and Nose , by Nature so dispos'd
That nothing by the Tongue should be disclos'd,
Before it hath tane councell of each sense ,
That are to falshoode evermore oppos'd,
Lest they should misinforme th' Intelligence .
Which haynously procures the Soule's offence.
Excellent talke becommeth not a foole ,
Nor lying lips the King , so saith that Prince
That rul'd in peace , and did his enemies coole
With truth and equity ; but that 's long since,
And twixt the times there may be difference:
Yet if we may not for God's glory ly,
Much lesse for matters of lesse consequence:
Kings should be Patterns of all pietie ,
Which doth consist in truth and equitie
But pious Augustine (canonized
For piety) saith there are certaine lies
Whereof no great offence is borne or bred ,
Yet are not faultlesse; in which leasings lies
That lie , which Kings for common good devise:
Hence may we see, how much deprav'd we are,
When Kings sometimes must faine and temporise
For their estate and common-wealthe's welfare,
Which would fare ill, if they should it forbeare
Who note withall, It breedeth small regard
To bee too lavish of their presence , when
Among the commons it might well be spar'd;
For Maiesti's like Deity in Men ,
When wee it see, as farre as wee can ken:
Yet policie (the proppe of waightie States )
Would haue them present with all now and then.
As well to comforte, as to cease debates,
Both which their harts to true loue captivates.
It tels them other Documents among,
That who so bridles their felicitie
Shall better governe it, and hold it long;
For Temp'raunce ioined with Authoritie
Makes it resemble sacred Deitie ,
It bids them loue the learned with effect ,
Who can with lines their liues historifie
That ay shall last, and their renownes erect
As high as Heav'n , maugre humane defect .
And here I cannot wonder (though I would)
Sufficiently at these guilt times of ours,
Wherein great Men are so to money sold,
That Iupiter himselfe in golden Showres
Wil basely stand, to gather while it powres
Mars scornes Minerva, gibes at Mercury ,
He better likes Venerian Paramoures:
Greatnesse regards not Prose , or Poesie ,
But weenes an Angell hath more Maiesty.
Artes perish, wanting praise and due support ,
And when want swaies the Senses' Common-weale ,
Witt's vitall faculties wax al amort:
The Minde , constrain'd the Bodie's want to feele
Makes Salves of Earth the Bodie's hurt to heale,
Which doe the Mind bemire with thoughts vnfitt;
Hence come those dull Conceipts sharp witts reveale,
Which nice Eares deeme to come from want of witt ,
When want of wealth (indeede) is cause of it.
How many Poets , like Anatomies ,
(As leane as Death for lacke of sustenance )
Complaine (poore Staruelings ) in sadd Elegies
Of those whom Learning onely did advaunce,
That of their wants haue no considerance.
What Guift to Greatnesse can lesse welcome be
Then Poems , though by Homer pend perchaunce?
It lookes on them as if it could not see,
Or from them as from Snakes away wil flee.
What's this to me (thinkes he) I did not this?
How then to me should praise thereof pertaine?
Thou hitt'st the Marke (deere Sir) and yet dost misse;
For, though no praise for penning it thou gaine,
Yet praise thou gett'st, if thou that Pen sustaine,
That can eternize thee in Deathe's despight
And through it selfe thy grossest humors straine
So make them pure (at least most pure in sight)
Which to Posterity may be a light .
In common policy, great Lords should give,
That so, they may (though great) much more receaue:
The more like God , the more they doe relive;
And, the more Writers they aloft doe heave,
The more renowne they to their Race doe leaue:
For, with a droppe of ynke their Penns haue pow'r
Life to restore (being lost) or life bereave,
Who can devour Time that doth all devoure,
And goe beyonde Tyme , in lesse than an how'r .
Where had Achilles fame bin longe ere this
Had not blind Homer made it see the way
(In Parcha's spight) to all eternitie?
It had with him (long since) bin clos'd in Clay .
Where had Æneas ' name found place of stay,
Had Virgill's verse of it no mention made?
It had ere this bin drown'd in deepe decay:
For, without memory, Names needes must vade;
And memory is ay the Muses ' Trade.
But how can these Daughters of Memory
Remember those of whom they are dispis'd?
They are not Stocks that feele no iniurie ,
But sprightly, quicke, and wondrous wel adviz'd;
Who, though with loose Lines they are oft disguis'd
Yet when they list, they make immortal lynes ,
And, who soere by those lines are surpriz'd,
Are made eternal, they , and their Assignes ,
Or wel, or ill, as Poesy defines.
Leaue we to vrge poore Poets iust complaint
(Sith they are deafe that should redresse the same)
That Policy we may yet better paint,
And consecrate more lines vnto her name ,
That learnes our Pen her landes by lines to frame
Shee would that Government should never dy,
Which is the Rodd of Circes , which doth tame
Both Man , and Beast , (if ledd by Policy )
And tends to perfect Man's Societie.
Shee teacheth Kinges to giue and take no wrong ,
One gettes Revenge, Contempt the other gaines
All gainfull Leagues she would haue lengthn'd long
And not to warre vntill iust cause constraines;
For, Iustice prospers Warres and Thrones sustaines:
No Secrets , nor no publike governments
To Clawbacks , or to those that scrach for gaines ,
Shee would have shar'd; for badd are all their bents,
And evermore doe ruyne governments .
In such is neither truth to God , or King:
Therefore shee would have such aloofe to stand,
As farre (at least) as a bent brow can fling
Them from the Sov'raigne or a straight command:
These bitter baneful weeds doe spil the Land
But to the tried trusty , she would haue
The Sov'raigne's favoure constantlie to stand;
For, with their losse they seeke the whole to saue,
To whome , like Fathers , they themselues behaue.
Shee tells the Kinge that Treason gathers strength
Extreamly in his weakenesse , and requires
That it be cut short ere it gathers length,
And level that , that out of course aspires:
Shee chargeth Kinges to quench their vaine desires
Of vaine expence , without the Commons' charge,
Lest it enflame Rebellion's quenchlesse fires,
Which oft, such large expence doth much inlarge;
Who, oft the same vpon the King discharge.
Shee wils that holsome Lawes should be ordain'd,
Bereaving Kings of pow'r t'infringe the same:
For, if their Crownes are by the Lawes sustain'd,
They should not breake the Props , lest al the Frame
Should fal, to their confusion and shame:
That , of Reteyners shee would haue obseru'd,
Else most Ignobles , in a Noble's name,
Wil let Lawe's course, which should be safe reseru'd,
And wrack the Poore which law would haue conserv'd.
And as the Law should governe Maiestrates ,
So should the Maiestrates the People sway
The Governours are living Lawes in States:
And a dumbe Maiestrate the Lawe is ay.
As Bodies, Reason and the Soule obay;
So States should Law and Maiestrates by right;
For, Law is Reason , keeping all in Ray,
By which the wise themselues doe guide aright;
And Vulgares have it from Law-giver's light.
She bidds the Sou'raigne take heede how he heares,
Much lesse embrace th' advice of selfe Conceipt:
For, such Conceipt hath neither Eyes , nor Eares ,
To heare, or see another , but doth waite
Vpon her selfe, admiring her owne height.
In cases doubtfull it is dangerous
T' admitte light Councells; for, for want of weight
T'wil make the case to be more ponderous
The whilst such Councells prove Aireous .
For it's oft seene that Publike Policie
Occurrs with matters of such consequence,
Wherein there is such depth of Misterie
That it wil blunt the sharpest Senses ' sence
Of the acut'st, and swift'st Intelligence ,
Ne shall Deliberation be assur'd
Of their effect , vntill their evidence
Tyme doth produce, or triall hath procur'd,
Wherein rash Iudgment must not be endur'd.
The heav'nlyest Hav'ns , m'haue Hellish entries:
Therefore, wise Pilots keepe them in the Maine .
And rather brooke rough Tempests ' miseries,
Then by vnknowen perrils rest to gaine:
They shunne the flats by their experience plaine;
For, in all perils such experience
Must guide the course , els perillous is paine ,
Nay, death may follow double diligence
Not set on worke by single Sapience .
Experience is the guide of Policie ,
Whose nere-deceaved eie sees all in all;
Shee can make light the darkest mistery
Then, her at all assaies to councell call,
Especially in matters mysticall:
Realmes haue a world of crannies , where doe lurke
Ten thousand mysteries from view of eie ,
Which nerethelesse vncessantly doe worke,
And often giue the state a deadly Iurke .
Shee would haue Kings to haue such Councellors
That might be learn'd in state -Philosophies;
For Kingdomes govern'd by Philosophers
No Constellations feare, nor Destinies
They know what should the Soveraigne suffice
And what the Subiect , bending al their might
T' accomplish both their long felicities
By seeing that each one may haue his right
Preventing forraine , and domesticke spight.
As when a Shippe , that liues vpon the Downes
Of Neptune (mightie Monarch of those Plaines )
Is neere at point to perish (if hee frownes,)
Without a sterne and one that it sustaines:
(For maine is perill els vpon those Maines )
So fares that state that hath nor Lordes nor Lawes ,
Wherewith the Liege the State from ruine raines
In stormes of troubles , and Contention's flawes,
Wherein wise Councels calme effectes doe cause .
They are the Watch-men that stand Sentinell
T'examine all that may impeach the state ,
They make the Common-wealth a Paralell
To that of Rome when shee was fortunate,
And Caesar make of a meane Magistrate:
Who Baracado vp with Lawe's strong Barres
All that lies ope for Vice to ruinate,
And stoppe the Passages of Civill Warres
With martiall law , which Male-contents deterres.
Nor neede the Statesman gage Philosophie
Deeper, then well to know how well to liue
In Peace , and Wealth , (this worlde's felicitie)
And Rules of Life , to that effect to giue;
They diue too deepe, if they doe deeper diue:
What is the knowledge of the Transcendents
To him that learnes men onlie how to thriue?
Though he nere red such wilde Artes Rudiments,
Hee's fitter farre for civill governments .
The Mathematickes , and the Metaphysickes ,
Haue no necessitie in government;
But Ethickes, Politickes , and Oeconomicks ,
These to good Governours are incident,
Where morrall vertue sitteth President:
To bee well red in all good Historie
(Which makes the sp'rite much more intelligent)
Doth stand with state and perfit policie,
And maketh dexterous Authoritie .
The boundes of knowledge are the highest spheares ,
For, all is knowne in their circumference;
And what soere this Nurse of Earthlings beares
Is subiect to humane intelligence:
Then knowledge is vnknowne by consequence:
In which respect Men doe their wits apply
To this or that Arte with all diligence,
Vnable to know al Philosophie ,
Because it stands not with mortality .
In all things (as it's sedd) are three degrees ,
To weet, Greate, Small , and the Indifferent:
And that which doth participate of these
Is in perfection held most excellent,
Which is the Councellor in government:
For, hee twixt Prince and People beeing plac'd,
Best sees what is for both convenient;
And for his vertue , is of both embrac'd;
For vertue from the midst is nere displac'd.
If any one supply that vertuous place
And is not vertuous, he a Monster is;
For, in the midst can nothing sit that's base,
Sith Vertue there (as in her Heav'n of blisse)
Her selfe enthrones to all eternities .
Physitions ' labour aimes at nought but health;
Sailors', good passage; Captaines', victories,
So Councellors' should for the Common-wealth ,
Which iustly to her limbes her dowry dealth.
He had neede be more then honest , yea much more
Then vertuous (that is, vertuous past compare)
Who when his King's with-drawn, may ope the dore
And in a Closet diue into his eare ,
To put into his Head how all things are:
This if ill Sp'rits perceiue, and hee will bee
Corrupted with pure gold, or what soere,
Some Fiend will say, all this wil I giue thee
(Shewing him Worldes ) if thou wilt honor mee.
Then how behouefull tis for Kinge and state ,
To make such Minnions (if he must haue such )
That in their Soules corruption deadly hate,
And having much , desire not overmuch;
But to finde such an one , were more then much
For to be neere , and deere vnto a Kinge ,
Fils hart with pride , and pride doth empt the pouch
Then for supply (sowre sweete ) a sweete-sowre thing
(Which may the Sov'raign wrest, the subiect wring)
Call'd Lieges-loue abus'd, the same must bring.
But where shall Princes then, bestow their loue
(Sith loue they must, and ought, where it is due?)
On any one that still his grace wil moue
For Common-good , and private doth ensure
But for that good ; This Minion in a Mew
Had neede be kept; for, if he flie abrode
Divels -incarnate will him still pursue
Till they haue made a Divell of a God ,
Or if hee scape, tis with temptation's Iode.
An Hart that's truely humbled and is dead
(For loue of Heav'n ) to all the earth holds deere
Yet serpent's wisedome hath, in his doue's head,
And from all spots of pride is purged cleere,
And stil would fast to make the rest good-cheere:
This were a Minion for a God , or King ,
Worthy to weld the World , and who drawes neere
In nature to this Man , or divine Thing ,
A Prince should vse, with all deere cherishing.
For, Vertue onely makes good Councellors ,
Who in great wisedome hold the State vpright,
No Halles orehang'd with Armes of Ancestors
Haue in their right creation any might;
But if they haue them too, they are most right:
Yet Vertue found not Tully nobly borne,
But made him Noble by his wisedome's weight;
" Vertue respests not fortune, nor dith scorne
" To dwell with those whose fortunes are forlorne.
Kinges come from slaues , and slaues from Kings descend:
Bloud's but the water wat ring Fleshe's dust;
Which by its nature ever doth descend,
And makes fraile Flesh to fall to things vniust:
For, tis but Blood in the vniust and iust:
And al alike it is in high and lowe;
Not halfe so ful of life , as ful of lust ,
Making vs rather abiect , then to growe
To high accoumpt , for ought that from it flowes.
Yet some times evil men make Rulers good,
As good Musitions , oft in life are badd;
These last make discoras ioyne in pleasant moode ,
The first the like in Common-weales have made:
So either may be vertuous in his Trade ,
How ever vitious in their lives they are:
But Policy the Prince doth still disswade
From making such too great, for they wil pare
The Prince and polle the Commons without care.
For Slaves (though Kinges ) in disposition
Are most vnmeete to manage Kingdomes ' states;
And so are Men of base condition
Vnfitt to make inferior Maiestrates:
The Floures of Crownes fitt not Mechanick Pates,
No more then costly plumes doe Asses heads;
They are call'd Crafts-men, quasi craftie mates ,
Let these rule such (if they must governe needes)
For they at best are nought but holsome weedes
But some as voide of honestie as Arte ,
Advance themselues by wealth (the Nurse of Vice )
And with good gifts supply want of desert ;
Good-giftes , that Givers of Commands entice
To part with them though they be nere so nice:
These (seing wealth hath giv'n them Vertue's meede)
Doe make port-sale of Vertue , and Iustice
T' enrich themselues to clymbe thereby with speed;
From whence the wracks of Common-weales proceed.
Did they but good themselues by some men's harme
It might be borne, although it heavy were:
But they hereby make all themselues to arme
With gold , that seeke authoritie to beare,
Because they see it 's gotten by such geare .
When Vertue's thus neglected and dispis'd,
Then Vice perforce doth in her place appeare;
And where dam'd Vice hath Vertue's place surpris'd
A Common-woe , with Common-wealth's disguis'd.
That must be deerely sold that 's deerely bought;
And whereas Iudgments thus are bought and sold
There, by iust Iudgment al goes stil to nought:
Yet Iustice and iust Iudgments States vphold,
Whose want wrappes them in mis'rics manifold.
The Iudgments of that Iust orewhelme that Land
That armes Oppression (gainst the Lawes ) with Gold ,
For where it 's so, there Will for Law must stand
And Law goes with Confusion hand in hand.
Intelligence (supreme pow'r of the Soule )
Wherein alone w'are like the Deity ,
Is that alone which makes vs meete to rule;
For Nature's lawes, and Reas'n's authority
Requires that such should haue high'st dignity,
That by their vertue , and their high estate .
They might conserve men in prosperity:
For right it is they should be rais'd to State ,
That make the state of all most fortunate.
For Honor is high Vertue's sole Reward
For which all vertuous Men all paine endure:
If then such men from Honor should be barr'd,
All to be vicious it would soone procure;
For Vice doth raigne where Vertue hath no pow'r:
Where Honors are bestow'd without respect
On good and badd, as cloudes bestowe their shower ,
There must of force ensue but badd effect,
For who 'l be good, if Grace the good neglect?
In ancient Common-weales they wonted were
Statues of mettall, Arches triumphal,
With Publike Sepulture , and praises cleere,
These, and such like, they did bestow on all
That to their Common-weales were as a Wall .
For they that watch whilst others sound doe sleepe
To stay the State , that else perhapps might fall,
And laboure stil the Lambes from Wolves to keepe;
Such Shepherds should be honor'd of the Sheepe .
For to give Rule to none but Midasses
Is ev'n as if a Shippe were rendered
In greatest Tempests and Winde's outrages,
To richest Marchants to be governed,
Not to the skillful'st to be mastered:
Whereof ensues the wracke of shippe and freight
From which in Stormes it is delivered
By skilful Pilotts which haue gott the sleight
By their experience to direct her right.
Themistocles is iustly famoused,
For that by Valor and great Policie
He did reduce th' Athenians beastly bredd
To live by Lawes in great civility;
But Solon's prais'd more meritoriously,
Who finding Athens at the point to fall
With shocke of Civill warre , he readily
Did staie the same, and reestablish't all
The Lawes & Maiestrats driv'n to the wall .
Nor did Camillus that repulst the Galls
And Rome preserved from their furie's flame
Deserve lesse, (if not more) memorialls
Then the two Brethren that first built the same:
Nor yet can Caesar's or great Pompeie's fame
(Though they Rome's Empire stretcht from East to West )
Be so renowmed, as his glorious name
That found it neere by Haniball possest,
Yet rescu'd it, and gaue it roome and rest .
Then Rule should not be given to the rich ,
If with their wealth they were but fooles vniust:
The Common-wealth would private be to such
For they would rule by Lawes squar'd by their lust ,
And for their gaine stil buy and sell the Iust
Wisedome and Iustice , with wealth competent
Should be in Rulers such the Prince might trust
With greatest charge (next them) in government
For each will rule as Vertue's President.
For how is't possible men should perswade
Others to vertue and to keepe the Lawes ,
If they them-selues them-selues there from disswade
And by their lewdnesse , others' lewdnesse cause?
" A Ruler's Vice to vice the people drawes:
Sylla might wel be laught to scorne, when hee
Perswaded Temperance to all ; because
He liv'd himselfe (none more) licenciouslee,
For none lesse loved mediocritee
Lisander was no lesse to blame, for hee
Allow'd those Vices in the Multitude ,
From which himselfe refrain'd religiouslee:
For if by Princes vices bee alowd,
It is al one as if they vice ensude
But iust Licurgus nere did ought forbid,
But by himselfe the same should be eschude
Whose subiects did no more then himself did,
Such Legislators should bee deifide
Such Prince or Priest , such people , saith the Saw
Examples more then Lawes make men liue wel:
Doe Priests liue so? their liues like Loadstones draw
The people to the same: And doe compel
Sans-force t' obedience such as would rebel:
Then weigh what good or ill your liues doe cause
Ye Prophets Sonnes, that should in grace excel;
Is your life it? it's double ill, because
It hurts your selues , and to vice others drawes
And where Vice raignes, Rebellion oft doth rule
That diss-vnites the best vnited state
Which growes from Governors ' vice or mis-rule
That makes the Commons (with no common hate )
Watch al advantage , to abridge their date
The forraine Foe , then findes domesticke aide ,
Aide that assists all that wil innovate ,
So by their Subiects Sov'raignes are betraide,
When their mis-rule makes them be disobaide.
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