Here must I tell the praise

Here must I tell the praise
Of worthy Whittington,
Known to be in his age
Thrice Mayor of London.
But of poor parentage
Born was he, as we hear,
And in his tender age
Bred up in Lancashire.

Poorly to London than
Came up this simple lad,
Where with a merchant-man,
Soon he a dwelling had;
And in a kitchen placed,
A scullion for to be,
Whereas long time he past
In labour drudgingly.

His daily service was
Turning spits at the fire;
And to scour pots of brass,
For a poor scullion's hire.
Meat and drink all his pay,
Of coin he had no store;
Therefore to run away,
In secret thought he bore.

So from this merchant-man
Whittington secretly
Towards his country ran,
To purchase liberty.
But as he went along,
In a fair summer's morn
London bells sweetly rung,
‘Whittington, back return!’

Evermore sounding so,
‘Turn again Whittington:
For thou in time shall grow
Lord-Mayor of London.’
Whereupon back again
Whittington came with speed.
A 'prentice to remain,
As the Lord had decreed.

But see his happy chance!
This scullion had a cat,
Which did his state advance,
And by it wealth he gat.
His master ventured forth,
To a land far unknown,
With merchandise of worth,
As is in stories shown.

Whittington had no more
But this poor cat as than,
Which to the ship he bore,
Like a brave merchant-man,
‘Venturing the same,’ quoth he,
‘I may get store of gold,
And Mayor of London be;
As the bells have me told.’

Whittington's merchandise
Carried was to a land
Troubled with rats and mice,
As they did understand.
The king of that country there,
As he at dinner sat,
Daily remained in fear
Of many a mouse and rat.

Meat that on trenchers lay,
No way they could keep safe;
But by rats borne away,
Fearing no wand or staff.
Whereupon soon they brought
Whittington's nimble cat;
Which by the king was bought;
Heaps of gold given for that.

Home again came these men
With their ships loaden so,
Whittington's wealth began
By this cat thus to grow.
Scullion's life he forsook
To be a merchant good,
And soon began to look
How well his credit stood.

After that he was chose
Sheriff of the city here,
And then full quickly rose
Higher, as did appear.
For to this cities praise,
Sir Richard Whittington
Came to be in his day,
Thrice Mayor of London.
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