From Hermetical Physic: Translated From Henry Nollius
1. [HORACE. EPIST. I. 1, 14-5.]
Where'er my fancy calls, there I go still,
Not sworn a slave to any master's will.
There's need, betwixt his clothes, his bed and board,
Of all that Earth and Sea and Air afford.
With restless cares they waste the night and day,
To compass great estates, and get the sway.
4. [JUVENAL. SATIRE XV. 160-164.]
Whenever did, I pray,
One lion take another's life away?
Or in what forest did a wild boar by
The tusks of his own fellow wounded die?
Tigers with tigers never have debate;
And bears among themselves abstain from hate
5. [JUVENAL. SATIRE XV. 169-171.]
[Some] esteem it no point of revenge to kill,
Unless they may drink up the blood they spill:
Who do believe that hands, and hearts, and heads,
Are but a kind of meat, etc.
The strongest body and the best
Cannot subsist without due rest.
Where'er my fancy calls, there I go still,
Not sworn a slave to any master's will.
There's need, betwixt his clothes, his bed and board,
Of all that Earth and Sea and Air afford.
With restless cares they waste the night and day,
To compass great estates, and get the sway.
4. [JUVENAL. SATIRE XV. 160-164.]
Whenever did, I pray,
One lion take another's life away?
Or in what forest did a wild boar by
The tusks of his own fellow wounded die?
Tigers with tigers never have debate;
And bears among themselves abstain from hate
5. [JUVENAL. SATIRE XV. 169-171.]
[Some] esteem it no point of revenge to kill,
Unless they may drink up the blood they spill:
Who do believe that hands, and hearts, and heads,
Are but a kind of meat, etc.
The strongest body and the best
Cannot subsist without due rest.
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