The Hero

" Heaven preserve the Lord's anointed
God defend our Sacred King. "
As dark-browed Stuart passes
Hark the loyal clamours ring.
Ha, but look you, where he passes,
What are those dark gallows trees?
What are those grim chain-hung corpses
Swinging clanking in the breeze.

'Tis the bones of Vane and Hampden
Torn from burial's sacred bound
Champions of the ancient freedom
Of the crowd who yell around.
What are those mouldering corpses
Flung into that bit of mire
'Tis the bones of two dead women
For the actions of their sire.
Shame to England! Shame to Manhood!
That such vile revenge should be.
Is this Christian Church's mercy
Is this knightly chivalry?

Listen to the hoots and shouting
Of the drunken panders base
Round the gibbeted bones of heroes
Whom alive they dared not face.
Listen, mingled with their yelling
What is that far-distant roar
Speaking to us through the distance
From the Thames' farther shore
'Tis the cannon of the Dutchman
To their shouting makes reply.
Let it thunder! 'Tis an answer
Worthy of so base a cry.

He the man the mighty soldier
He the ruler whose remains
Hang there as a feast for ravens
Clanking in the gallows chains.
He had chased all Holland's navy
Back into the Zuyder Zee
As he smote the Papish tyrant
On the Spaniard's native sea.
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